Marathon 'Goods for Fletcher' Case
Page 44

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Athe result of a notice appearing in the local Press, 44 applications were made in the East Midland traffic area for new B licences or variations to existing B licences. The cases are being heard by Mr. A. R. M. Ellis, the deputy Licensing Authority, and when considered together they will utilize more court time than did the recent MidSouthern Tipper Group application, which lasted eight days.
This case has now been unofficially labelled "The goods for Fletcher case". All the applications, either solely or in part, refer to the carriage of goods as directed by A. Fletcher and Co., of Ibstock, Leicester. Fifteen of the applications are for new licences and 29 are for variations of existing conditions.
The 15 new applications involve 25 vehicles and are sub-divided into two categories. Four are for nine vehicles to carry solid fuel as directed by Fletcher and Co. during the period November to March. The remainder are for 19 vehicles to carry tippable materials in England and Wales as directed by Fletcher and Co.
The applications to vary existing conditions involve 107 vehicles. Twenty-two of these are for tippable materials, England and Wales, as directed by Fletcher and Co., and the other nine are for solid fuels for the period November to March.
Here is a summarized guide for those readers who wish to follow the case in detail.
New applications. Conditions applied for: "Tippable materials, England and Wales, as directed by A. Fletcher and Co. Ltd." Figures in parentheses indicate the number of vehicles involved. M. Carlisle (1), G. Northage Jnr. (3), R. Wright and Son (3), B. K. Transport (Ripley) Ltd. (2), G. C. Saunders (1), T. Evans (1), J. D. Parker (1), P. J. Watson (1), Kiwi Transport Ltd. (I). Conditions applied for: "Solid fuel for the months of November to March as directed by A. Fletcher and Co. Ltd.G, C. Saunders (1), T. Evans (1), J. D. Parker (1), L. L. Parker (1), W. Hinchcliffe l), W. E. Snow (2), Flintstone Transport Co. Ltd. (1).
Variation appiiestions. Conditions applied for: "Tippable materials, England and Wales, as directed by A. Fletcher and Co. Ltd." C. C. and R. J. Emerson Ltd. (1) (also 1 additional vehicle), Parkin and Jones Motors Ltd. (10), Tanis and Cresswell (2) (also I additional vehicle), M. Orpwood (2) (also 1 additional vehicle), Wesmore Haulage Ltd. (1), Netherley Transport (1), N. A. Finn and Sons Ltd. (1), D. Patrick (2), J. W. Pallet (4), Rothley Park Haulage Ltd. (4), G. W. Meakin (1), P. J. Pullen (3), Selby's Garage (Woodhouse) Ltd. (1), R. B. Dolman (1), T. J. Sansom (I), P. J. Sansom (I), G. W. Twells (Haulage) Ltd. (10), Watson's Transport (Horton-on-Trent) Ltd. (4), Cleaver Bros. (2), Dixons Transport (Challeston) Ltd. (8), Glover and Emerson (5). Conditions applied for: "Solid fuel for the period November to March, as directed by A. Fletcher and Co. Ltd." W. F. Gibbons and Son (3), Parkin and Jones Motors Ltd. (15), D. I. Saunders (1), G. W. Dunkley (2), Netherley Transport (1), Tanis and Cresswell (1), Selby's Garage (Woodhouse) Ltd. (1). R. B. Dolman (2), G. W. Meakin (1), Beeneys Ltd. (1).
The conditions referred to above are only those relating to A. Fletcher and Co. Ltd. Conditions relating to other customers were also sought.
Appearing for the applicants, Mr. J. Langham led each of his clients through the same routine questions and produced for each. after a delay in one or two cases, certified trading figures. Under
cross-examination many of the applicants were vague regarding the materials, quantity and rates involved. Mr. G. F. Williamson, of Hoveringhams Gravels Ltd.. whose subsidiary VVatson's Transport (Burton-on-Trent) Ltd., is an applicant, gave his reason for the application as one of economic operation. He described the difficulties he had in arranging back-loading for his vehicles from London and the Home Counties.
All the evidence followed a similar pattern. Operators who normally were working for quarry masters in the summer were seeking winter work carrying solid fuel. Operators whose licence at the moment did not provide an economic back-load were seeking to rectify this deficiency.
Mr. Norman Carless, representing 84 of the 95 objectors, pointed out to the applicants that in the light of their evidence their applications were for unspecified loads to and from unspecified points for unspecified customers at unspecified rates. The principal solid-fuel customers were named as the West Midlands Gas Board, E. M. Martell and Co. Ltd., D. M. Stevenson and Co. Ltd. and J. 0. Vitner and Son Ltd.
Mr. R. Johnstone, managing director of A. Fletcher and Co. and also of the Kiwi Transport Co. Ltd., who are applicants for a new B licence, spoke in support of the applications. He stated that A. Fletcher operated 17 vehicles on an A licence and each vehicle had a carrying capacity of 15 tons. Whereas formerly the company had operated a maintenance programme docking one vehicle daily, this had been increased recently to two vehicles. Further expansion of Fletcher's own freight was impossible due to the confined parking area at the company's own premises.
Fletcher's volume of work was increasing each year, said Mr. Johnstone. The forthcoming winter promised to be busier than before, which was due, together with other factors, to the seamen's strike. ln answer to a query from the deputy LA as to the connection between the strike and his business, Mr. Johnstone explained that whereas gas plants and power stations normally stockpiled during the summer, this year it had not been possible as supplies by sea had dried up.