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"%NE cannot help but feel sorry for the Road Haulage Association in its present public dilemma. It can ler affront its members...
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T HE Perkins 4.108 four-cylinder engine is now listed by Ford as the optional diesel power unit in Transit 12, 17 and 22 cwt....
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ES increases varying considerably :cording to traffic are being sought by lumbers of RHA members. This was made by a...
How union leaders see the pros and cons By John Darker, AMBIM THE Transport and General Workers' Union, which has incurred the...
IT WAS announced on Wednesday that the I. chairman of the Road Transport Training Board (due to be set up this summer) will be...
B RMSH ROAD SERVICES' drivers in the Birmingham area are pressing for an increase on basic national rates by 30s. a week above...
THE Minister of Transport's White Paper on A. transport policy, due out some time this month, came under discussion when the...
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T WO car delivery firms which claim that local officials of the Transport and General Workers' Union have prevented collection...
A T a meeting of the national council of the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses held last week it was...
By H. BRIAN COTTEE T ODAY, July 1, the new haulage freedom conferred by the Transport Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 takes...
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THE TECHNICAL EDITOR HE proposals for changes in the Construction and Use Regulations which, as arted in last week's...
TT has been announced by International Harvester Co. of Great Britain Ltd. that the American International Payhauler PH100...
T HE Strick Corporation, USA, which has recently been divorced from the Fruehauf organization, is in the process of setting up...
From a Special Correspondent T second round of talks between the UK and Continental countries on bilateral transport...
T AST month the first British-built, rein1-1( forced plastics sea-going containers refrigerated by Thermo King went into...
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T HE House of Lords has held that lorry owners do not cease to be liable for accident damages merely because their driver has...
Containers Services (London) Ltd., has been appointed to a similar position with British Road Ferry Services Ltd.
Dunlop Birmingham, flew to America on June 25 to give a paper on tyre grip at high speeds to a conference on road safety....
elected chairman of the board; he continues as managing director. The present chairman, William Swallow, retired as managing...
a six-week export tour covering India. the Far East, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. On his itinerary is a visit to...
the Zenith Group. He was formerly contracts manager to Solex Ltd.
Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association. Mr. Quin, who is 36, has been assistant secretary of the National Dairymen's...
the Northern General Transport Co. Ltd., with effect from August 8, in succession to D. J. Meredith, who is to become traffic...
Conveyancer-Scott Electric Vehicles Ltd., Kidderminster. E. A. Lainson (Premier Travel Ltd.) has been elected chairman of the...
of Metropolitan-Cammell-Weymann Ltd. and will operate mainly in the northern area. He has joined the company from Leyland...
of the Scottish Motor Trade Association Ltd.. G. Valentine was appointed president, with W. M. Baxter as retailer...
India Tyres Ltd., Harry Mountford, India Tyres service manager, retired yesterday (Thursday).
of the passenger group of the Transport and General Workers Union. Mr. Smith joined London Transport as a bus driver after the...
We regret to record the death of Walter Bryan. Mr. Bryan, who was 81, joined the Simms Manufacturing Co. Ltd. as a trainee...
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Selective Employment Tax would crely handicap firms which were trying to we their efficiency as distributors, pro: Mr. Geoffrey...
TORY MPs were shocked this week when -IMrs. Barbara Castle expressed the hope that additional costs having to be met by private...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT P ROPOSA LS to ease the burden of the selec tive employment tax on a wide range of...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE Government's case regarding commercial vehicles was quite remarkable, declared Tory...
P'F HE lack of brake modification kits to bring existing vehicles up to the standards which the Ministry of Transport has...
PREFERENCE is being given to a statutory— as opposed to a voluntary—scheme of marking for road tank vehicles containing...
AGREEMENT to work together on productivity in agricultural transport was reached at a very amicable meeting on Tuesday between...
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a strongly worded written decision the Western LA has refused the long outding Contract A renewal bid by Stoke Michael...
4 appeal by C. J. Brunton, a Sussex timber haulier, which was reported in AMERCIAL MOTOR on June 17, was dismd this week by the...
A T Warminster last week, Ministry of Trans port examiners "booked" a substantial number of tipping vehicles for overloading....
'THE hearing of the application by Wallace Arnold Tours Ltd. for the continuation with modification of four excursions and...
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A the result of a notice appearing in the local Press, 44 applications were made in the East Midland traffic area for new B...
T HE system employed by the Transport Holding Company to detect brake failure was criticized by the Transport Tribunal when it...
THE Prefect of Haute-Savoie has imposed a ban on foreign heavy goods vehicles on the roads of his departmente throughout the...
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By John Darker, AMBIM The cat among the pigeons ! NATIONAL REPERCUSSIONS FROM STOKE ST. MICHAEL REFUSAL? T HE Western LA's...
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N Green Line town-to-town express NEW Green Line express route, linking twelve major towns to the west, north east of London,...
can fairly be said that Leyland Motors ,td. misses no opportunity to try and irt its buses and trucks and the many ort orders...
THAT are quoted as "far reaching proposals" have been presented by W. K. Haigh, general manager of Hull poration Transport, to...
T week, Scottish Omnibuses Ltd. won their appeal to the House of Lords from a ion of the Second Division of the Court of ion...
T T has been announced by PSV Operators Ltd. that their King's Cross coach station, closed last year, will re-open next Monday...
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A BATCH of 10 Daimler Roadliner single-deck buses now entering service with the West Riding Automobile Co. Ltd. are being used...
A r a meeting of the National Council for the Omnibus Industry held in London on Friday, the employers' representatives replied...
TARRY SMITH, the newly appointed national officer of the passenger group of theTransport and General Workers Union. intends to...
O N Wednesday, July 6, the Duke of Edinburgh will be visiting the Lancashire factories of Leyland Motors. As well as seeing...
A DECREASE in net profit, before taxation, of over £99,000 compared with the previous year was reported by Mr. R. P. Beddow,...
A RECOMMENDATION has been made by Belfast Corporation transport committee that the tender of Daimler Transport Vehicles Ltd....
ERICA'S Interstate Commerce Commis sion has ordered an investigation to determine if seat belts for passengers should be made...
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7 CU. YD. dump truck has been , L introduced by a recently formed • sidiary of Centrax Ltd., Newton Abbot, eon, called...
CF demonstration tour is nationwide STERDAY at the White City Stadium, London, Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd. held a preview of...
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Part 15—The Low-pressure Switch BY HANDYMAN D ESPITE its near all-round application, compressed air is still in need of a...
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and publications etal-spraying gun NINOUNCED by Metco Ltd. recently is an improved version L of the company's metal-spraying...
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BY THE HAWK A Rate Per Ton/mile, Please A r the East Midlands traffic court last week an applicant for a variation to his B...
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r Ashley Taylor, AMIRTE, Assoc lost T. JEVITABLY those responsible for operating urban services suffer to a greater or lesser...
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gappier Relationships y READ with interest the article by John Darker (COMMERCIAL I MOTOR, June 17) on tipper rates and in...
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I Twas a long day at Northampton on Sunday. In fact, it was 7.30 p.m. before every prizewinner had received his award; but as...
A THOUGH a last-minute refusal by Southend Corporation to allow the usual site at Progress Road to be used for this year's...
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LIGINALITY has always been the keynote on the York round of the )Y eompetition, and if there was nothing on Sunday there was...
RIMSBY'S first LDOY Contest must be rated a success. The organization was class, the weather was kind, and all conied were...
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A the time of the announcement of the Ford Transit range of vehicles, I was successful in arranging an hour's run in a 17 cwt....
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By Ralph Cropper, MSc(Econ), BA, AMInstT N GHT-TIME delivery has a popular appeal as a method of easing the transport...
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RUTTING aside its tendency to theorize on inadequate evidence, the Prices and Incomes Board ought to take a few lessons from...
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E hiring of commercial vehicles is receiving increasing attention and some of the underlying reasons for their use have been...
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BET pays more THERE was a pleasant surprise for the shareholders of BRITISH ELECTRIC TRACTION. For the year that ended on...
Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London TRANSPORT ECONOMICS THE MEANING OF SOCIAL BENEFIT W HEN a businessman...