Junk faxes and calls
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I t is an offence under the Data Protection and Privacy (Direct Marketing) Regulations 1998 to send unsolicited direct marketing faxes to an individual. Companies not wishing to receive unsolicited direct marketing faxes and individuals not wishing to receive unsolicited direct marketing phone calls can register with opt-out schemes by calling:
• 0845 070 0707 for telephone preference registration; and • 0845 070 0702 for fax preference registration.
Secure now?
The British Standards Institution (BSI) has published BS 7799: 1999, a revised version of BS 7799: Information Security Management, in two parts: • BS 7799-r: 1999 Code of Practice for Information Security Management*; and
el BS 7799-2: 1999 Specification for Information Security Management Systems*, In addition, C:CURE, the BS 7799 certification scheme, has now been fully inaugurated. * Parts r and 2, if bought together, cost 194 (147 to BSI members). They are also available separately, BS 7799-i at Z80 (140 to BSI members) and BS 7799-2 at £36 (118). To obtain copies, or for further information, call 018' 995 7799.
HEALTH & SAFETY Year 2000 website
The European Agency for Health 8c. Safety at Work has set up a website* containing the latest health and safety information on the millennium bug.
Controlling stress
The Health and Safety Commission is consulting* on whether stress at work should be regulated under health and safety law. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will hold open meetings on the subject across the country until 14 July. Admission will be free and places can be reserved by calling Debbie Thiara on 0171 717 6306.
* Managing Stress at Work is free from HSE Books, PO Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk COro 6FS. Tel: 01787 881165. It is also on the Internet at: www.open.gov.uk/hse/ condocs.
Comments should be sent by 30 July 1999 to Stuart Bristow, Tel: 0171 717 6966. E-mail: stuart.bristow @hse.gov.uk.
COS HH guide The HSE has published a guide* to Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1999** in a looseleaf binder *COSHH Essentials is available, price 1'5, from HSE Books (see address above).
**SI 1999 No 437 is now in force, and is available, price 14.50, from the Stationery Office. General COSHH and Biological Agents Approved Code of Practice is also available, price L8.50.
Minimum wage survey The Federation of Small Businesses has published the findings* of a survey of small businesses on average lowest rates of pay and the effects of the minimum wage on their business and their job prospects.
This shows the average rate of pay for the lowest paid full-time member of staff is £4.69 per hour (i4.26 /hour for part-time). However, 14% of respondents said some of their staff received less than 1'3.6o/hour, and 28% responded negatively when asked what effect the minimum wage legislation would have on their business. Some 67% of respondents said they were unlikely to create new jobs over the next 12 months.
The FSB is concerned that small companies are reluctant to take on more staff.
* Available at www.fsb.org.uk/statistics-surveys/i999/minwage.htm.
Gender reassignment
Sex Discrimination (Gender Re-assignment) Regulations 1999* extend Sex Discrimination Act 1975 to cover discrimination on the grounds of gender reassignment in employment and vocational training. This follows the European Court of Justice judgment in PvS and Cornwall County Council (Case No C-I3/94).
CSI 1999 No 1102 is available, price L2., from the Stationery Office.
Euro and tax issues
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales has published a guide* which provides an overview of the tax issues that UK firms will need to address in connection with the single currency *Euro Guide: Taxation Issues is available, price 15, from Jacquie Parkins, ICAEW, PO Box 433, Moorgate Place, London EC2P 2BJ. Tel: 0171 920 8623. E-mail jparkins @icaew. co.tik.
Deduction as input tax
Customs and Excise (C&E) has published the results* of its consultation on the proposal by the European Commission to amend the rules governing the right to deduct, as input tax, VAT incurred in the course of business. *European Commission Proposal For Revised Rules on the Right to Deduct Input Tax: Summary of Responses is available free from Alison Duffy, C&E, EC Branch, VAT Policy Directorate, 4th Floor West, New King's Beam House, 22 Upper Ground, London SD 9PJ. Tel: 0171 865 4824. It is also on the intemet at www.hnice,gov,uk/bus/ vat/ecinp-sr.htm.