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• By Karen Miles Fears Over The Damage Eastern European
hauliers and drivers are inflicting on operators throughout the European Union are about to be addressed by the European Commission. It is writing to transport officials in all......
Heavy Haulier Econofreight Is In Talks About The Possible...
Keith Lewis, managing director of Brambles Heavy Contracting. which owns Econofreight, will not comment until all the i's have been dotted". The move follows Econofreight's sale......
S I Port Hauliers Wiped
out by foreign firms • A series of Hampshire hauliers working out of Portsmouth Port have gone out of business as foreign-registered trucks take over their work. Maddison......
Tnt Driver's Lucky Escape
• A TNT Newsfast driver was lucky to escape serious injury last week when his 17-tonner crashed through a motorway bridge parapet and plunged down an embankment. The truck ran......
Driver Agency Expelled
• Manchester-based driver agency Drivernet Services is considering court action after being expelled from the recruitment industry association FIRES. FIRES ousted Drivernet......