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THE Traffic Commissioners of various areas have made it clear that it is illegal for return tickets to be used for two journeys in the same direction. Birkenhead Corporation is, however, dissatisfied with this condition, which, it contends, causes hardship to workmen employed at Birkenhead docks.
Application is being made by the corporation, in conjunction with Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., to the NorthWestern Traffic Commissioners, for, permission to issue workmen's return tickets that are valid for two journeys in the same direction.
CONSIDERABLE progress is being ‘...made in connection wi•th the installation of wireless-receiving sets on
coaches. A Philco car-radio service station is being opened to-day (Friday) on the Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex, by Mr. J. D. Odell, who has had long experience as a Philco dealer.
The station is sufficiently large to permit work to be carried out on over 45 cars at the same time, as well as providing ample room for coaches. Special quotations are to be made for the installation of Philco apparatus on public-service vehicles. An inaugural exhibition, reserved for the motor trade, will be held next Thursday, June 7.
AS a result of the decision of London Transport to replace trams trolleybuses on a number of routes, the Board has discussed the question of electricity supply with the London and Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority. A new agreement has been reached and an increased supply will be required.
STEPS to oppose the operation of double-deck buses in the county are to be taken by the Dundee district subcommittee of Angus County Road Board. Accordingto Mr. R. H. Anderson, the county clerk, the Northern Scotland Traffic Commissioners have agreed not to issue further licences for double-deck buses without giving the local authority an opportunity of objecting to such applications.
A STRIKE by the bus employees of the South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., Swansea, commenced on May 24, and continued until the afternoon of
May 26. In addition, the Swansea tramways employees ceased work in syinpathy with the bus operatives. At one time, the strike threatened to spread to the employees of Neath and other Swansea area bus companies, but this was prevented.
The strike originated from the refusal of the S.W.T. Co. to restore a B42 wage reduction of 2s. per week which was made two years ago. Negotiations on Saturday morning resulted in the settlement of the dispute by restoring 1s. of the cut ani the reference to arbitration of the demand for restoration of the other is. per week.
THE Eastern Traffic Commissioners have agreed to the transfer to the Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., of licences held by Mr. R. H. Johnson, in
respect of three routes. One of the services was already co-ordinated with the Eastern National system.
THE transport committee of Bournemouth Corporation has authorized the general manager to prepare plans for the institution of trolleybus services on the routes between Moordown and the Square, Moordown and the Lansdowne, and Cemetery Junction and Castle Lane.
. 'THE admission of East Midland Motor Services, Ltd., into the Yorkshire " Pool " Services between London. the Midlands and Yorkshire has been approved by the Yorkshire Traffic Corn missioners, who have granted licences to the "pool" companies in respect of services between Yorkshire and London and Yorkshire and Birmingham. The reduced fares applied for have not been approved en bloc, but certain reductions have been granted.
IL/ F six new bus services which Hull Corporation proposes to inaugurate, two are to be co-ordinated with the system of East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd.
AS a result of an agreement conzluded, last week, between the Great Southern Railways of Ireland and the National Union of Railwaymen, all busmen in the company's service will be required in two years' time, to have a working knowledge of the Irish language. Preference in selecting staff will be given, in future, to persons who have a knowledge of Irish.
IT is understood that A.A. Motor Services, whose chief route is from Ayr to Ardrossan, have acquired the AyrAnnbank and Ayr-Tarholm services of Mr. Percy Hull. Mr. Hull retains his service on the Ayr-Burnfoothill route. IRISH INDEPENDENTS' DEPUTATION TO MINISTER.
A NUMBER of men has, it is understood, bee thrown out of employment as a result of the transfer of the undertakings of 19 bus companies to the Dublin United Tramway Co., Ltd„ and the Great Southern Railways in the Irish Free State.
A deputation of representatives of numerous smaller operators recently met an official of the transport and marine section of the Department of Industry and Commerce, as foreshadowed in The Commercial Motor on May 18. It was pointed out that only a small number of the employees of undertakings transferred to the larger companies had been provided with work.
It was requested that all operatives should be provided with alternative employment so soon as a company was taken over. An alternative suggestion was that the Road Transport Act should be amended in such a way that compensation would be payable to operatives who have had two years' experience of the bus industry, instead of five years in the service of a particular employer. Objection was taken to the compulsory transfer of licences.
The Minister of Industry and Commerce was asked to reconsider his decision to revoke the licences of Messrs. Furey's Tours, a concern which pioneered coach touring in Ireland and did not, it was stated, compete with any railway or tramway service.
T .11 E position of the trolleybus in 1 connection with the Road Traffic Act was a question raised when a conductor employed by the Mexborough and Swinton Traction Co. was summoned for permitting a trolleybus to he overloaded.
For the defence it was argued that trolleybuses were not deemed to be buses within the meaning of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, and were governed by special regulations. The case was dismissed.
_ A N order issued by the Minister for Local Government, Irish Free State, gives immediate effect to Section 93 of the Road Traffic Act, 1933, which provides that the Minister of Education may license motor vehicles for carrying children to and from a particular school. These buses are exempt from public-service-vehicle licences.
Another provision of the Act which has become operative empowers Garda (police) superintendents to issue special permits allowing motor vehicles to operate on special occasions when other transport is inadequate.
The Act specifies that if eight or more passengers not in the employment of the owner be carried on a mechanically propelled vehicle, they are deemed, until the contrary be proved, to be carried for reward.