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M ANY of the industries of this country have each an association dealing with the . peculiar interests concerned and affording...
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P is concerned over the fuel used by its sixcylindered bus engines, and the Prefect of the Seine Department has stated that...
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Of the small-capacity oiler coming into its own. That legislation against noise dates from 600 B.c. Of the increasing use of...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Horses to be Excluded from Westminster's Busy Streets? The view that horsed vehicles should be excluded, during busy hours,...
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Mr. George Wingate, chairman of Halley Motors, Ltd., last week officially handed over to Glasgow Corporation three 110 b.h.p,...
r'r HE first A..E.C.-English Electric Q-type trolleybus to be put into service in Australia was recently shipped to the...
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The New Bithell Automatic Apparatus Permits the Employment of a Single Instrument for Generating Current and Starting the...
T HE first annual general meeting of the Metropolitan Regional Area of the Road Haulage Association was held at Essex House,...
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Guy 212-3-ToNNER Exceptional Hill-climbing Powers of a Sturdily Built, Moderately Priced Chassis Are Revealed During a...
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The Dellread Automatic Torque Converter which Incorporates an Hydraulic Coupling Having SelfAdjusting Vanes Working in...
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A Rdsume of a Well-informed Paper by Mr. F. J. Field, M.I.A.E., Chief Engineer of Ferodo, Ltd., in which some Interesting Facts...
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A N interesting talk was given by Mr. W.G. G. Godron, chief engineer of the Vacuum Oil Co., New York, to the Engineering...
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'ION BY 400 VEHICLES A Survey of the Activities of Thomas and Evans, Ltd., Producer of Corona Specialities, Marketed from...
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T WO deputations of independent passenger-transport operators in Yorkshire and Lancashire respectively interviewed Yorkshire...
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Steels for Tools A Considerable Improvement in the Efficiency and Durability of Files as the Result of the Use of New...
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The Southend Conference A Cheerful Gathering, Interesting Papers and Comments, and Instructive Visits to Hoffmann and Crompton...
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I T does not seem so very long ago that mileages between valve grinding operations were something around the 5,000 mark. Since...
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FURTHER STRINGENCY IN FLYING REGULATION. The Air Council, like the Ministry of Transport, has considerable power in the making...
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Meeting of Independent Operators T HE fares-control controversy which has arisen in Yorkshire on the Minister of Transport's...
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SETTLEMENT OF NEWCASTLE STATION DISPUTE LIKELY? A FTER 12 months during which L'Anegotiations have been opened and broken off,...
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T HE Traffic Commissioners of various areas have made it clear that it is illegal for return tickets to be used for two...
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THE PROBLEM OF THE HEAVY STEAM WAGON: The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [43171 Sir,—Many owners of steam wagons of...
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T HEquestion of lubrication has received much attention from fleet owners, and it is generally accepted that the use of the...
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Steady Improvement in Trade. Sheffield Steel Makers Active. Cotton Demand Increasing. Hat Business Better B USINESS generally...
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HAULIER and CARRIER S.T.R." Interviews a Haulier Who Appears to. be Losing on the Swings What He Gains on the Roundabouts ,O 0...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications A UNIT consisting of a torque con.1 - 1.verter, a reverse gear and a...