NEWS of the WEEK
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at
whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
The . wages situation in Yorkshire took a decided turn towards peace at a meeting. of the Area Conciliation Board on Monday. Itis learned that there are definite prospects of a ptrmanent settlement between the employers and employees. It is understood that a sub-committee of both panels was appointed to discuss the 48hour guaranteed week, the week's annual holiday with. pay, and the " higher-rating" clause.
The Yorkshire employers' counterscheme, which the unions refused to accept, cut out these three conditions.
The function of the sub-committee will, it is believed, be to discuss the application of these provisions rather than the principle of them. It will meet next Monday. Another meeting of the Area Board will probably be held shortly. During the settlement negotiations, no steps, to prevent the loading or unloading of vehicles will be taken without calling a meeting of the Area Board. It is understood that the wages question did not figure much in Monday's discussions, if at all.
A New 'Farm -Tractor.
It is reported that a new agricultural tractor designed by Mr.Harry Ferguson, a well-known North of Ireland motor engineer, is to be marketed by David Brown and Sons, Ltd., Huddersfield.
The International Container Demonstration.
• The demonstration organized by the Bureau International des Containers, which was held at Frankfurt-am-Main from April 21 to April 24, attracted a large number of containers of
all sizes, sent by Germany, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Hungary. and Ttaly. A special section was reserved for refrigerating and insulated types.
One series of tests was devoted to the handling and trans-shipment of containers. Several outfits by which complete wagons can be carried, so that they can he used, in turn, on road or 'rail, were shoWn. More than 300 representatives from 24 countries were present at the demonstrations.
• New Electric-vehicle Committee.
At a meeting held in Birmingham, last week, it was decided to form a Central England Area Electric Vehicle Committee, to work in co-operation with the Electric Vehicle Committee of Great Britain, Ltd., in London. Capt. J. C. Chaytor was appointed chairman and Lt.-Com. A, E. Neal, the E.D.A. area officer, secretary.
R.S.A. Lecture on 011 Engines.
A lecture entitled " The Oil Engine and Its Influence on Road, Rail and Air Transport" will be given at the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C.2, on Wednesday, May 6, at 8 p.m., by the Editor of this journal. Tickets (gratis) may be •obtained from the secretary of the Society.
Pointers for Driving-test 'Examinees. Those of our readers who are about to undergo the ordeal of a driving test should read the article ' Why Candidates Fail" in the current issue of our associated journal The Motor. It contains some useful pointers for drivingtest examinees. The weekly eight-page photogravure supplement includes some magnificent views of the Lake District.
Membership of London Traffic Advisory Conunittee.
The term of office of the members of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee, appointed in 1933 under Section 58 of the London Passenger Transport Act, 1933, expires on June 30, and the Minister is consulting the various representative bodies concerning the persons they recommend for appointment to the new Committee for three years from July 1. The Act provides that those going out of office may be reappointed.
• A Novel Leyland Fire-engine.
An unusual type of fire-engine, with an enclosed body giving protection to a crew of 11 men, is to be built by Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the Blackpool Fire Brigade. The design is such that a 50-ft. escape can be carried on the roof, this being, we believe, the first time that this method has been attempted by any maker. Equipped with a six-cylindered engine, the machine, will weigh nearly seven tons and be capable of pumping 1,000 g.p.m.
EXAMINERS AND POLICE SHADOW DRIVER. ALL DA-Y. ."Not proven 7 was. the verdict returned by Sheriff TImpherston, in Dunfermline Sheriff Court, on April 23, when a Lochgelly concern was charged with allowing -a, driver to work for
longer than 11 hours. .• A plea of. not guilty was entered. During the evidence it was stated that • the driver had been kept under observation by two traffic examiners from the moment he left Lochgelly at 10.3Q. a.rn, until he returned and went off duty shortly after 11 p.m. At Dunfermline, Kilsyth and Lochgelly; the driver's record was examined by'the police. At the concern's Glasgow depot, the man was kept under obseivation, and one of the examiners spoke of the driver being employed in loading goods during his teahour.
The driver said that he had half an hour for a meal in Stirling, time off for tea in Glasgow, and on the homeward journey stopped for supper at Alloa.
F.W.R.A. Chester Conference.
During its annual conference, the headquarters of the Furniture Warehousemen and Removers Association will be at the Grosvenor Hotel, Chester, and the programme is 'as follows :—
May 14: 10 a.m.. meeting, British Association of International Furniture Removers; 11. a.m., annual general meeting; 12.30 p.m.. extraordinary general meeting to submit resolution that name shall be' changed to ' The Emir:nal Association of Furniture Warehousemen. and Remoryrs lirtWe4 "'; 2 p.m., civic_ reception; 2.30 p.m., address, ' Suggested Employees' Penskns Eu.uf," by Mr. C. C. St. 3, C. Roberts; 3.30 p.m., report on Transport Advisory Council and Co-ordination of Transport Investigation, by Ar. A. Coombe; 4.15 p.m., vievs of delegates to the Joint Industrial Council on relations between employers and employees; 7 p.m.. annual dinner.
May 15: if a.m., meeting of Benevolent Fund: 10.30 am. address. "Standardization and Co-operative Purchase of Motor Vehicles," by Mr. A. Blackwood; 12.30 p.m., luncheon by East Lancashi• : Centre, Blossoms Hotel;1.43 p.m., launch trip to Ea`ou Ball and Gardens.
Conference on Electric Lighting.
The Electric Lamp Manufacturers Association Lighting Service Bureau has arranged a conference for executives and engineers; which will be held on May 19 and 20, at 2, Savoy Hill,
London, W.C.2. Sir John Brooke, C.B., vice-chairman of the Electricity Commission, will open the conference and a number of important subjects will be dealt with by experts.
Bodybuilder's Stock-in-trade Purchased. .
We are advised that Messrs. George Burtenshaws., West Street, Reigate, have purchased the stock-in-trade of Wycombe Motor Bodies, Ltd. (in liquidation), and materials and parts for repair work can be supplied from the firm's coachwork department at Prices Lane, Reigate. The firm advise us that they are now building coach bodies of a type similar to those produced by the Wycombe concern. OFFICIAL ORDERS IN MARCH.
Among the orders for commercial vehicles given out by Government Departments during March last were the following :—By the War Department to Morris-Commercial Cars, Ltd., and C. Roberts and Co., Ltd., for bodies; to Caffyns. Ltd.:, for bodies for searchlight vehicles, for Ford vans and Morris-Commercial six-wheeled chassis, The Air Ministry ordered Singer vans, and the Crown Agents for the Colonies Aveling-Barford road rollers. The G.P.O. authorities gave orders for bodies to John Chalmers and Sons, Ltd., Thos. Harrington, Ltd., Messrs. Medley, Brooker and Smith. and Nicholls and Sons. Ltd., and contracted for Morris and Morris-Commercial chassis and vans.
A Haulage Merger.
The road-haulage section of E. G. Whitaker and Co., Ltd., of Quinton, has, from to-day, been merged into the business of A. J. Gupwell, Ltd.
A New Stop Sign.
The Minister of Transport has authorized a new stop sign for the purpose of arresting vehicles to enable children to cross the roads. It will be employed only by persons approved by the highway authority, and between the hours of 8.30 a.m. and 5 p.m., or until half an hour after sunset, whichever is the later.
New Birmingham Service Station.
A new service station for commercial and private vehicles was opened yesterday by Cecil Kay, Ltd., at Essex Street, Birmingham, 5. This station has cost approximately £17,000, and is situated in the heart of the city. It is divided into two parts, a workshop and a service station, both complete with the most modern equipment.
R.I.A. Appointments.
The following have been elected officers of the Roads Improvement Association for the ensuing year :--President, H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught, KG., G.C.V.O. ; vice-presidents, The Hon: Sir Arthur Stanley, G.B.E., C.B., M.V.O., Lord Iliffe, C.B.E., Messrs. W. Rees Jeffreys, F. W. Pethick-Lawrence, M.P., Col. R. E. Crompton, C.B., F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E. ; chairman, Mr. W. Rees Jeffreys; vicechairinen, Col. Mervyn O'Gorman, C.B., D.Sc.,, and Mr. J. S. Killick, C.B.E., M.Tnst.C.E.
Programme of Scottish Passenger Transport Conference.
The following programme has been arranged for the 14th Annual Conference of the Scottish Road Passenger Transport Association at the Atholl Palace Hotel, Pitlochry :— May 21: 9 p.m., informal reception. May 22: 10 a.m., "Tragic Congestion and Ways Out," by Mr. R. W. Sewill, M.A.; 11.45 a.m., "Scottish Cities and Modern Transport," by Councillor V. C. Warren ; 7 p.m., annual dinner. May 23, 10 am., annual general meeting. A.E.C. SERVICE IN MANCHESTER.
An extensive repair and service depot, with aCcoinmodation for 20 double-deck vehicles, has been opened by G. W. Smith and Co. (1925), Ltd., • recently appointed A.E.C. local distributor for South Lancashire, Cheshire, Flint, Denbigh, Caernarvon, Anglesey and the Isle of Man.' The new premises .at Olympia,Knott Mill, -Manchester,: are fully supplied with modern tools
and equipment."
'A complete range of spare parts will be available as Well as spare units that can be fitted in a few hours and the .pit installation is particularly interesting. • Tyre-price Increase Coming?
A hint thatit may be necessary to raise tyre prices was made by Mr. II. A. Holmes, chairman of the India Tyre and Rubber Co„._ Ltd., at. the the company's eighth annual general meeting in Glasgow , on Monday last. In considering the current_year's prospects, he thought it unwise to venture a forecast, because of the big fluctuations in price to which raw rubber is subject. He said that there had been a considerable rise in the price of raw rubber, which is now fully 25 percent. above the average price of 1935, and, as stocks are reduced, manufacturers will be obliged to raise prices if reasonable profits are to be maintained.
Although the company is discontinuing its red ring on tyres built for private cars, as it has been found to clash with some Colour schemes, this distinctive feature is being retained on all tyres built for commercial service.
Special Body for Laundry Service.
In our issue di.ted April 3, we published a picture of a Dennis 45-cwt. van in the service of the. Savoy Hotel Laundry. We are asked to state that the body was designed and built by the New Process Painting Co., Ltd., 42, New Street, London, S.E.17.
An Electric-vehicle Conference.
Organized jointly by the E.D.A. South-West England and South Wales (Southern) Area Committee and the Electric Vehicle Committee of Great Britain, Ltd., . a conference recently took place at Bristol. Eight electric vehicles by different makers were. displayed in the Cathedral Garage, Anchor Road.
At a meeting held afterwards, with Mr. E. W. Tole in the chair, Captain C. F. Roberts, M.C., transport manager for Hovis, Ltd., gave his c22 experience of operating some 70 electric vehicles. • There will shortly be formed in this district an area electric-vehicle committee similar to that which is doing valuable work in the north-west area.
Goodyear's 19th Branch.
To-day, May the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd.; is opening a new branch at Bishop Bridge, Riverside Road, Norwich. This comprises the 19th branch office of the company in the British Isles. A BIG BUYER OF TROJAN VANS.
Trojan, Ltd., Purley Way, Croydon, has -recently received from Brooke, Bond and Co., Ltd., a 12th repeat order for motor vehicles, this being for 300 Trojan Vans. This type of machine has been found ,most satisfactory by this operator because it can be driven by salesmen who have no mechanical knowledge of the van. • Another order received by the maker is for six of the Ow Senior 12-Cwt. forward-control vehicles for the Great Western Railway. PERSONAL PARS.
Ms. P. STEVENSON, Of A.R.O., Liverpool, has been elected vice-chairman of the road transport section of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce.
Mn. REGINALD F. CLAYTON, who recently resigned his directorship of Karrier Motors, Ltd., has been apPainted to the board of Brifex, Ltd., Ashtead, Surrey, a concern which manufactures leather-cloth for use in inotar vehicles of all types.
A change has taken place in the personnel of the transport committee of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce. In place of MR. CHARLES GRIEVE, who represented the Liverpool and North Wales Division of the C.M.U.A., Cot. A. JERRETT (transport controller of Lewis's, Lid., and president of the C.M.U.A.) has been appointed.
MR. J. P. HARTLEY has joined the staff of Garner Motors, Ltd., North Acton Road, London, N.W.10, in the capacity of Midland area manager. He previously held a similar position with William Beardmore and Co., Ltd., on the sales side, being with this concern for six years. Before then he was with Alultiwheelers, Ltd., and Chrysler Motors, Ltd. His experience with sales commenced in 1923, when he .was with the Zenith concern at Molesey.
Thornyerofts for Parcels Delivery.
Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd., has recently placed a repeat order with John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., for 30 Handy-type 2-ton chassis for express parcels-delivery work. The van bodies will be built by the operating company.
Important Transport Co. Registered.
There has been much talk lately of a big combine of road-transport interests. This has taken definite form• as Transport Services, Ltd., with a nominal .capital of £130,000, Further details are given on page 402.
A Day-and-night Maintenance Service.
The Best, Ltd., Thornton Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey, is offering a 24-hour day-and-night service which many commercial-vehicle operators may find of value, for the company has inaugurated a repair and maintenance service which is carried out by welltrained mechanics. There are several special features about the system, one being that a vehicle can be hired white the operator's machine is in dock.
New Legislation Urged.
At the Scottish Trades Union Congress, concluded at St. Andrews on April 25, a national transport service was urged by Mr. C. N. Gallic (Railway Clerks Association), in moving a resolution calling for the organization of all forms of transport under public ownership and control.
A series of motions was tabled on the question of road transport. These asked for : • Amendment of statutes to ensure that decisions of Conciliation Boards should he binding on all licence holders. Legislation to make it compulsory for efficient speedometers to be fitted to all motor vehicles. Legislation providing for the employment of at least two men on 2-ton vehicles.
They were submitted by the Scottish Horse and Motormen's Association and Transport and General Workers Union, and were approved. WAGES AND C-LICENSEES.
The Association of BritiSh Chambers of Commerce is being asked by the committee of the road transport section of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce to take steps to bring about a greater degree of equality between the wages paid to employees of A and B-licence holders and of ancillary users. This matter is of vital importance.