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T HE public in general seems to have more confidence in the future of the road-transport industry than do many of its own...
"TRAVELLING coffee-stalls, as well as snack 1 bars, are a popular feature of modern life, many of them, particularly those used...
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Goods-vehicle nESPITE the many warnings Licences are Not for Lo r that have been given, there Sale still appear to be...
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Of Brighton as an all-in wrestler. Of the Raid Fund from the lips of an ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer. That he ought to...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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P r HE troubles in the goods-transport 1 industry in South Wales, which might have given rise, according to the Transport and...
A POINT of law affecting the weights of steam wagons was decided in a King's Bench Divisional Court (Lord Hewart and Justices...
increasingly difficult for carriers whose books do not indicate not only the nature of their work, but the . manner in which,...
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use of tractors and trailers on the roads for the haulage .of trees was given . by Lord Hewart and JuStices du Parcq and...
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Friday, 50 summonses were brought against a Newport firm and their employees for alleged offences in connection with drivers'...
A PROSECUTION which aroused more than usual interest because of the prominence of the defendant firm, and which, it appears,...
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S.T.R. ON BRICK-HAULAGE PROBLEMS. • • A good deal of the interest at last week's meeting of A.R.O. Luton Subarea, which was...
" I AM glad to see that your Association does all in its powers to secure observance of the law governingroad transport, and I...
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for the haulage industry A Maze of Restrictive Decisions in Licensing Cases Makes Unity Even More Urgent Than Before. A...
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"Self-preservation an Essential Doctrine for Hauliers in a Closed Industry," Says Capt. E. H. B. Palmer, O.B.E. T HE other...
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A LTHOUGH it is over two years since the National tAjoint Conciliation Board issued its awards in connection with the wages and...
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SECURE MAXIMUM ECONOMY BY Correct Selection of Vehicles, Careful Organization and Routing, and Proper Provision for Maintenance...
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M R. ASHCRAFT, the coachbuilder, had sorted from his morning's mail those items which required the attention of the drawing...
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Travelling, Exhibition Vans Supplement Service Provided by 52 Branches of facksons Stores, Ltd., and its Exten sive Delivery...
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T WO new recording instruments are shortly to be marketed by Speedometers (PerManent Record), Ltd., 68, Victoria Street,...
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F OR a hundred years 'road transport has played an important part In the conducting and development of the business of George...
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How P.X., Ltd., Hauls Annually 26,250 Tons in 36 Vehicles, Covering 750,000 Miles and Operating from Three Centres "0...
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Key Appeal Decisions that Guide Licensing Authorities in Considering Applications for A and B Licences, Renewals or Variations...
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3 ORT STORIES IN BRIEF An Interesting Selection of Short Transport Histories Which Offers Reliable Evidence of the Value of...
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Much of the Transport Work of J. Mowlem and Co., Ltd., has to be Carried Out Under Exceptionally Difficult Conditions and...
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T O the big fleet owner, with staff and equipment for the regular maintenance and overhaul of his vehicles; the following...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT "Ribble" in Tours Controversy S EVERAL • applications before a sitting of the North-Western Traffic...
tramways is changing the fortunes of Bournemouth Corporation's transport department. During the previous two years the...
A KING'S Bench Divisional Com mittee, composed of Lord Hewart and Justices du Parcq and Goddard, decided last Friday that the...
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O N Tuesday, a King's Bench Divisional Court allowed the appeal of a Metropolitan traffic examiner against a decision of...
L AST Friday, a Divisional Court granted an ex pane application by Southdown Motor. Services, Ltd„ and the Southern Railway Co....
By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent A BUDGET CONCE S SION. TN reply to Sir Joseph Lamb, who 'asked the Minister...