News of the Week
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REPRESENTATIONS were made by the S.M.M. and T. requesting that the 30 per .cent. rate of depreciation now applying to A-licensed vehicles should also be applicable to those in the B and C categories. The Inland Revenue has replied that this concession cannot be granted, but that any particular vehicle owner who justifiably claims the allowance and produces the information necessary to establish the claim will probably find that no objection will be raised to its admission.
BY the Motor Vehicles (Returns of Spare Parts, Tyres, etc.) Order, 1942, any person having on his premises, or who has had on them since March 30, 1942, equipment or tools for the repair of motor vehicles, or component parts, tyres, spare parts or accessories of motor vehicles, must, on request by the M. of W.T. or Regional Transport Commissioner, furnish a return of all stoeks of such items held by him, and of all disposals of such stocks within any period specified in the request. Authorized officials will be entitled to search for such stocks.
TWO Parliamentary questions, asked last week, related to the listing of tyre distributors. Mr. Parker inquired whether an independent body had been asked to analyse the chosen list of 1,200 licensed sellers of new tyres. Sir A. Duncan answered "No." but informed him that the associations in the tyre trade were being consulted as to whether any revision of the list of authorized tyre depots was desirable,
Mr. Hannah wished to know on what principle tyre depots had been selected for official listing, who had the responsibility of decision, and whether the present list was provisional or final. He received the reply that the depots had been selected on grounds of experience, facilities available, and geographical distribution, and was informed that the decision rested with the Ministry of Supply. Sir A. Duncan added that suggestions from the tyretrade associations for the revision of the list, as well as applications from individual traders would be most carefully considered, but the number of depots could not be greatly increased.
TOO late for inclusion last week came the news that the C.M.U.A. annual luncheon had been cancelled. We much regret this decision, for it was one of the few functions of the year at which operators, Ministerial officials, manufacturers, etc., could meet, and the meal could have been of a frugal nature—no more than the average person would normally have to eat. Arrangements were made, however, for H.R.H. The Duke of Kent and Lord Leathers (Minister of W.T.) to address a meeting yesterday at the Savoy Hotel.
THE Secretary for Petroleum was asked by Sir Irving Albery in Parliament, last week, whether any new refineries had been erected for the salvage of waste engine oil, whether existing refineries had adequate transport facilities, and whether he was aware that the industry had received no instructions to save waste oil, and had been dumping it through lack of storage space?
Mr. Lloyd indicated that three refineries had been completed during the past few months. The collection of waste oil from garages necessarily involved a transport problem, and every effort was being made to overcome this by organizing collection by areas. Assistance was being given wherever possible by the Petroleum Board, which was organizing a scheme of collection. NEW PRODUCER-GAS ASSOCIATION
MAMED the Mobile Producer Gas / Association, an organization with headquarters at 120, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, has just been formed, of which the membership comprises ,manufacturers of producer-gas apparatus.
The objects of the M.P.G.A. are officially summarized as follows : " To tabulate joint experience, to rationalize man power and manufacturing resources, and to place at the disposal of transport undertakings and responsible authorities all the information and assistance necessary to bring about the widest possible use of producer gas."
Mr. J. W. Noel Jordan is chairman, Mr. E. R. Slattery vice-chairman, and Mr. R. M. Young hon. secretary.
Readers are well awareof the continuous efforts that have been made by this paper, during the past 10 years, to promote the use of solid fuel with the purpose of conserving liquid fuel. As the founders of the new association seem to be influenced by the same motive, we are glad togive it our support.
I N its annual report for 1941 the C.M.U.A., referring to catering for drivers, urges that they should be enabled to obtain adequate and suitable refreshment while away from their homes. Whilst there has. been some improvement in the facilities available, difficulties still arise, partly from the shortage of café staffs and the liability of members of these to national service. The Association, therefore, made representations to the M. of W.T. asking that when a member of the staff of a roadside café for road transport workers becomes liable for service, the matter may be referred to the appropriate Regional Transport Commissioner.
It is also recorded that a considerable number of new members was enrolled during the year, and the National Council has invited each member to secure at least one commercial-motor user as a new member, so that the organization may be strengthened.