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Earl of Kandahar and Waterford E lARL ROBERTS was born in India and educated at Eton and Sandhurst. He joined the Indian Army,...
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0 • NE of the arrangements by which the Ministry of Supply hopes to conserve rubber is the establishment throughout t h e...
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T HE extent to which agriculture in the U.S.S.R. has gone over to collective farming can be gauged from the fact that in 1938...
Why Do Tyres QLOW leaks in tyre inner Gradually Lose Their 0- 3 tubes are stated to be Pressure? caused by sparks of static...
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Of Hitler pressing hard on the throttle. That he is, however, giving the Germans a very lean mixture. Of queries as to how...
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I.T. WEAR ALLOWANCE ON ANCILLARY VEHICLES R EPRESENTATIONS were made by the S.M.M. and T. requesting that the 30 per .cent....
THE CHARTERED FLEET —The vehicles offered now total 2,933, of which about 1,800 appear on first check to be " possibles." The...
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U NDER the Control of Rubber (No. 12) Order, which came into force on April 27, the maximum price for waste tyre covers sold to...
H a.ULAGE charges on raw cotton gave rise to an interesting dispute in Oldham County Court, on April 23, when Messrs....
T HE prices of road tar are regulated by the Road Tar Prices (Inland) Order, 1942, which came into force to-day, and no person...
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HAULAGE W E learn that Captain Claud Barrington has been appointed Director of the Road Haulage Branch of the M. of W.T. Mr....
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UITE definitely no buses must be immobilized next winter, and we shall take such measures as are necessary to bring that...
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S IGNIFICANCE is attached to a new departure by one of this country's foremost tipping-gear makers. It displays, on the one...
U NCERTAINTY as to the correct degree of illumination or obscuration, and the possibility of failure throug . h faulty...
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L IFEBOATS were launched and manceuvred over soft or shingly beaches by means of primitive, track-laying carriages as long ago...
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A T a time when many retailers are contemplating drastic reorganization of their delivery services, it is of particular...
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C j e — NEMENT is not steel, chalk is not cheese, pearls are not lk...,potatoes and sand and gravel are not machinery. The...
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AXTITI-I the object of increasing the V capabilities of its popular light tractor, Bristol Tractors, Ltd., Bradford Road, Idle,...
'THAT the engineer thinks and ▪ I. expresses himself by the medium of graphs, that curves, in point of fact, are part of his...
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D ESPITE the exigencies of the times, prosecutions for technical offences GI ? trivial character are still being pursued. In...
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A N interesting design of centrifugal clutch, in which the operating force is created by a mass of small steel balls, is shown...