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UNDER the Control of Rubber (No. 12) Order, which came into force on April 27, the maximum price for waste tyre covers sold to persons other than reclaimers or certified waste-rubber merchants in small lots is levelled up to the price of £1 per ton, already payable for them in larger quantities.
.AMONGST the Passing Comments in AMONGST issue dated April 17 was one suggesting that every driver should possess a knowledge of first aid. In this connection, Mr. R. G. Mair, the stores manager of George Ewer and Co., .Ltd., who is Quartermaster, Essex 85th Red Cross Detachment, informs us that early in the war he issued a useful summary of first aid to
• every member of the company's staff; in addition, a series of first-aid hints was published monthly in the staff bulletin and proved to be most popular.
INEFFICIENCY in the transport industry tinder private • control was strongly criticized, last week, at the annual Scottish TradesUnion Congress, and a motion calling for the public ownership and control of all forms of public transport was unanimously adopted.
Mr. Robert Taylor, general secretary of the Scottish Horse and Motormen's Association, was elected treasurer of the General Council of the Scottish T.U.C., arid Mr, David Carlin, of the Transport and General Workers' Union, was elected to the Council.
ADDRESSING the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport, Sir R. Glyn, in the House last week, asked for the names of the Minister's representatives at the head so quarters of each Civil Regional Commissioner, the number of his staff, including all clerical assistance, and the annual cost of each establishment.
Mr. Noel-Baker answered that no representatives of the Minister of War Transport were stationed at the headquarters of the Regional (Civil) Commissioners. Close liaison, however, was maintained between the Commissioners and the Regional Transport Commissioners, and the Regional Port Directors, appointed by the Minister of War Transport.
IN the House of Commons last week, Major Kimball asked the Minister of Supply to clarify the position regarding the salvage of worn tyres, and to explain his policy with regard to. the collection and use of new or part-worn tyres at present fitted to vehicles which. were laid-up.
In reply. Mr. Peat said there were arrangements for the collection of old tyres by merchants, whilst, in conjunction With the -Ministry of works and Buildings and local authorities., a series of special county sweeps for scrap rubber would begin on May I. The tyres collected by either means, tyres handed over on the issue of new or retreaded tyres, and tyres from Service vehicles would be sorted. Those fit for retreading would be sent to retreaders,. whilst those fit only for rubber reclaiming would be stored in Government depots by certified waste-rubber merchants, for disposal to reclaiming plants as required. The question of collecting tyres from laid-up vehicles, which raised practical difficulties, was under consideration.
SOUTHPORT DRAPERS FORM TRANSPORT POOL LEADING firms in the Southport drapery and furniture trades have decided to operate a pool delivery ser
vice in the town and district. Six vehicles will be used to do the work hitherto done by 10 machines,
SPEEDOMETER SPARES: THE OPERATOR'S POSITION IS question was asked at a recent 1 meeting of Southport transport owners:—" Owing to the difficulty of obtaining spare parta for speedometers, which the law requires to he fitted to all vehicles, what. is the posiTion of the operator?" Mr F. G. Smith, repairs adviser to the Ministry of War Transport, replied that, in the event of a prosecution, it was a good defence to show that efforts had been made to get the speedometer repaired or replaced.
APPLICATIONS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY FUEL RATION TI-IE current supplementary ration 1 period ends on May 81. The next period will cover June, July and August, and applications to the Divisional Petroleum Officer should be submitted for these three months instead of two, and as soon as possible after May 1—certainly not later than May 15.