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WE learn that Captain Claud Barrington has been appointed Director of the Road Haulage Branch of the M. of W.T. Mr. P. J. Tapp is to continue with the Ministry in an advisorf capacity. Captain Barrington will be responsible to Mr. C. A. Birtchnell, head of the division, in a similar way to those of the assistant secretaries in that division, which is divided into three -sections, of which the road haulage branch constitutes one, although they are, to a certain extent, co-ordinated.
rpIE first of the Information 1 Bulletins issued by the Wrought Light Alloys Development Association, 94, New Street, West Bromwich, is being .circulated to present users of wrought-aluminium alloys as part of the Association's war service to industry. The title is " Handling, Storing and Transporting Wrought Aluminium Alloys." The subject is of great importance, as a considerable quantity of valuable metal is wasted, owing to careless handling in workshops, during packing and in transit, whilst incorrect storage conditions may cause corrosion, although the latter is small compared with most other metals. The A.I.D. colour scheme given should be useful to all personnel responsible for the storing and transport of these alloys.
U.S. WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS YIELD GOOD RETURNS IN connection with an investigation regarding difficulties caused by harsh restrictions on goods-vehicle sizes and weights in certain American States, an operator serving military and industrial establishments has reported that in a year it cost him 14,611 dollars in fines in on State alone for moving loads.. thatwere entirely legal in neighbouring areas. He had worked it out and discovered that it was cheaper to pay the fines rather than to stop the vehicles at the boundary, transfer half the load to another machine and thus comply with the law. According to affidavits of United States operators, " fee grabbing" of this nature is pursued on a wide scale. However, progress is being made in the eliminatioo of weight-law bottlenecks and 18 States eased their regulations during 1941, DASHBOARD INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT
AT a general meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers to be held on May 5, at the Royal Society of Arts, John Adam Street, London, W.C.2, at 6 p.m., Mr. D. BennionBrowne, chief engineer of A.G. Sphinx Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., will read a paper entitled " A Study of Dashboard Instrument Development."
The paper commences by outlining the evolution of the dashboard equipment from horse-drawn vehicles and traces its development in a series of stages. A review of the individual instruments then follows, after which the whole question of their arrange. meat on the panel is dealt with. The final section closes with a brief discussion on possible lines of development.
Although of chief concern to the car industry, the subject-matter is not without its interest to the commercialmotor trade, particularly that section concerned with passenger vehicles.
BLACKPOOL COACHING WILL BE HARD HIT THIS summer there will be a drastic I curtailment of the coach services of Blackpool, owing to so many vehicles having been diverted to official work and to the severe cut in the petrol ration for the remainder. Long-distance day trips to resorts in the Lake District and North Wales will be eliminated. It is thought probable that fuel will be available for short local trips within a radius of 20 or 30 miles of the town, that is morning, afternoon and evening runs. The Blackpool motor-coaching industry, in which nearly half a million pounds is invested, has one of the finest fleets in the country.
ik AR. A. ALLEN, of Alfred Allen I V1 (Stalybrid ge) , Ltd., has been elected chairman of the A.R.O. East Lancashire Area, with Mr. H. Proctor and Mr. D. W. Winterbottom as vicechairmen. Mr. Reginald Hindley (Hauliers, Ltd.) has been appointed as delegate to the National Haulier Board and member of the National Council; Mr. J. W. Beresford has been appointed delegate to the National Ancillary Board and member of the National Council; Mr. D. W. Winterbottom has been elected to the National Haulier Board. The area committee has appointed Mr. T. Macintyre (Bolton) and Mr. F.. C. Holmes (Altrincharn) as Sub-area secretaries.
MenThers of the Area Committee for the forthcoming year are as follow:—Messrs. A. Allen (Sta.lybrIdge), D. W. Winterbottom IMoss,ey), H. Proctor (Hyde), J. W. Pearson (Wham), W. Tweedula (Rochda:e), C. A. HodkInson (Atherton), E. Knowles (Bnkon), C. Waimaley (Bolton), R. P. Whipp (AcorIngton), J. Lord l_BactIN, J. W. Beres/old (Stoke-on-Went), J. W. Ray (Buxton), W. &Tien (Trafford Park), W. Lloyd (Trafford Park), R. yindley (Manchester), F. Bennett (Sale), D. Robins (Heywood) and F. Wi;kinson (Bacup).
NAANY letters which reach us, also 1VInotices, rrinted and otherwise, show that those who send them pay little attention to the need for conserving paper. It should be remembered that, important as it is to hand over all waste paper to the collectors, it is even more necessary to reduce the demand for new and clean paper, particularly the higher oualities which involve the use of better material and more labour in their production.
Letters should be started as high as possible, and the margin cut to the minimum, both sides of the paper being used. Unused ends can be trimmed off and employed for notes. VEHICLES FOR THE DEFENCE
MANY• operators have not yet enrolled their vehicles in the Defence Lines of the M. of W.T. scheme. It will he of great advantage both to them and to the Ministry if they do so immediately, so that those vehicles which are entered can be fitted into a properly arranged organization, and operators would then know previously how they stood from the financial and other points of view. Failing the entry of sufficient vehicles, there is the risk that those not entered may have to be requisitioned' in the case of emergency, and the owners might then be at a disadvantage.
There is no point whatever in standing out—in fact, it is definitely unpatriotic. Vehicles will be taken only in case of extreme urgency, and then only for a period sufficient to cover this. During. such a time it, might well be that the vehicles taken could not be employed in their ordinary capacities.
1-1 A USEFUL directory of quarries, clayworks and sand and gravel pits, etc. (being the ninth edition of this work), has beenpublished by The Quarry Managers' Journal, Ltd., Trevillett, Tintagel, Cornwall, at 6s. net.
First given in alphabetical order, in a second section they are reclassified geographically under counties, whilst a third Comprises a list of quarries and pits classified according to products. Two other useful sections are a directory of proprietary names and a list of employers' organizations connected with the metalliferous and quarrying industries.
COMMISSIONER'S TRIBUTE TO WAR TRANSPORT MINISTER WHEN members of the Scottish Com mercial Motor Users Association met in Edinburgh last week, they were addressed by Mr. Archibald Henderson, Regional Transport Commissioner, who paid tribute to the efficient way in which the Minister of War Transport was handling the problem of road trans port generally, and praised the retail distributors, who, lie said, were experiencing difficult times, but were always doing their best with the little they had allotted to them, whether of fuel or vehicles.
He said that although—there was still a great shortage of parts for repairs the position was much better than it was 12 or 18 months ago. The man power of commercial-motor operators was. now better safeguarded than it had been, it being recognized that the workers who remained in the trade were essential to the national effort.
Sir John McDonald, J.P., . was re-elected president, with Mr. Isaac Barry and Mr. G. S. Vickery as vicepresidents.
Mr. John W. Loudon, S.S.C., general secretary, recorded in his annual report that 1941 had been one of the Association's busiest years. HAND TOOLS VITAL TO PRODUCTION EFFORT
AT the suggestion of the Director of Hand Tools to the Ministry of Supply, a poster has been issued emphasizing the importance of hand ;tools as a vital key to war production, and it is made clear that coal cannot be gained without picks and shovels, and Tanks, aircraft and ships built or maintained without simple tools such as spanners and screwdrivers.
The hand-tool industry covers many fronts and there have been instances where firms have experienced difficulty in maintaining the enthusiasm of their employees who consider that their work is not of sufficient national importance. The poster is designed to press home the fact that hand tools are vital to production, and, by stressing the variety of uses for which they are necessary, to stimulate output.
IN 1941 the total receipts of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., were £1,415,764, compared with £931,566 in the previous year. The net profit on the year's working totalled £285,915, which contrasts with £317,880 for 1940. The reserve fund receives £54,742 and the employee's fund £10,000. The preference dividend for the year takes £8,000 and an ordinary dividend of 10 per cent. absorbs £144,000, plus a bonus of 5 per cent. which takes 272,000. The amount to he carried forward is £132,103, as against 2134,929 brought in.
ABOUT a month ago the first technical training depot for the A.T.S. was established, as an experiment, at Newport, Mon. It was set up at the Cambrian Garage, under the instructorship of the proprietor, Mr. R. J. Horton. A dozen A.T.S. drivers were sent to the garage to take a course on motor mechanics. The idea behind the scheme is to make the drivers independent of the Army male motor fitters, so that they can carry out their own repairs.
The experiment has been declared a success and the scheme will probably soon be extended.
A.R.O. WESTERN AREA KEPT BUSY THE following members have been L elected to serve on the Western Area Committee of Associated Road Operators for the forthcoming year:— Messrs. F, A. Baylis, C. H. Clifford, T. Coles, H. W. Hawker, A. T. Hutton, Capt. J. W. Jones, Messrs. L. G. Pritchard, F. E. Russett, H. C. Salisbury, T. N. Whitwill, A. F. Wills and Capt. G. A. P. Upston.
At the first meeting of the new committee Capt. J. W. Jones was appointed area chairman, and Messrs. H. W. Hawker and A. F. Wills, vice-chairmen. Capt. Jones and Mr. Hawker will represent the Area on the Association's Haulier Sectional Board, Col. R. A. Hobhouse and Mr. C. H. Clifford on the Ancillary Users Sectional Board, and MeSsrs. H. R. Grindle and C, A. Thomas on the Passenger Sectional Board.
The annual report of the secretary, Mr. A. Ge Akers, refers to the large increase in the Area's membership, which now stands at well over 900. No fewer than 136 new members have been enrolled during the past year.
In the Western Area the Association is well represented on a number of bodies directly and indirectly connected with the transport industry, including the Regional Committee of the Road and Rail Central Conference and the Employers' Panel of the Area Wages Board, of which Mr. II. W. Hawker is chairman, PLANNING FOR NEW GLASGOW BUS STATION
PLANS for a new bus station, submitted by Messrs. W. Alexander and Sons, the Scottish bus proprietors, which include stances and canopies on a piece of vacant ground in the central part of Glasgow, have been approved. There will be four parallel stances, each covered to afford protection to passengers while they are awaiting the arrival of buses.
AHANDY engineering directory of Bristol, running to more than 80 pages and priced at 9d. per copy, post included, has recently been issued by the Bristol Engineering Motor Manufacturers' Association, 104, Filton Avenue, Bristol. It contains a lot of useful information relative to the city, and includes a list of general haulage contractors and carriers running services between Bristol and various destinations in the west country.
ONApril 16, at Lambeth Police Court, a tradesman was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment for using in his private car petrol allocated to a goods vehicle, the latter having been laid up. Incidentally, he pleaded guilty to this charge.
This is believed to be the first case of a prison sentence being inflicted for such an offence, and it will no doubt act as a powerful deterrent to others who may be using fuel in this way or have ideas in that direction.
PERSONAL PARS MR. T. F. HARGREAVES, Liverpool manager of Transport Economy, Ltd., has been elected chairman of the Road Transport Section of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce. 1-fe succeeds Mr. R. B. Stockdale, who is the road haulage officer for the North-western Division. Mr. Hargreaves is an active member of A.R.O.
MR, W. HARLAND SMITH, fuel research engineer of London Transport, has retired after 36 years' service, for 21 of which he was district engineer and assistant divisional engineer. It was largely through his researches that London's fleet of buses was kept running during 1915-19. He went to America in 1921 to test new fuels. SAVE TRANSPORT ON ANNUAL CONFERENCES
T"Government is asking social, commercial, political associations and trade unions, which would normally be bolding their conferences during the coming months, to consider whether these functions, however desirable they may be in peace time, justify their continuance at present.
Their .cessation would relieve the transport services of the additional strain caused by gathering representatives and delegates from all parts of the country. It is essential that all unnecessary travel should be avoided at all times, particularly week-ends.
Where conferences must be held, the number of persons attending should be reduced to the minimum, and the venues selected such as will involve the least long-distance travel. In any case, special travelling facilities, such as reserved coaches or special trains, will not be available.
AT a recent meeting of the Eastern Area Committee of A.R.O. Mr. J. W. Calvert, of B. and G. Transport, Ltd., Peterborough, was unanimously elected-chairman for the ensuing year. Mr. J, Archer Tribe, honorary secretary of Wisbech Sub-area, was unanimously elected vice-chairman.
The following delegates were appointed:—Haulier Sectional Board: Messrs. F. Bullen and F W. Goddard: (deputies): Messrs. J. W. Calvert and H. H. Davies. Mr. Bullen was nominated as National Council representative and Mr. Goddard as representative to the National Executive. Ancillary Sectional Board: Mr. E. Wood (also National Council). P.S.V. Sectional Board: Capt. E. J. C, Davenport (also National Council).
SUGGESTIONS for improving public passenger transport in Manchester and Salford are made in a report recently presented to the Manchester and Salford Trades Council. The report was drawn up by a committee appointed specifically to investigate the subject of bus and tram travel and the Council; which represents some hundred thousand organized workers, members of affiliated unions, is now proposing to take any possible action either locally or nationally.
Investigations, states the committee, reveal the heed for more fuel, greater priority for road-transport's requirements -in connection with spare parts, transfer of vehicles from holiday resorts, reservation of repair staffs, .compulsory staggering of working hours, together with better co-ordination between factory managements and transport undertakings, better coordination between local transport systems. etc.
STATEMENT of accounts submitted to Darlington Corporation estimates that the transport undertaking made a net profit of £11,620 during the year ended March 31, 1942.