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1st November 1935
Page 76
Page 76, 1st November 1935 — MUNICIPAL PURCHASES and PROPOSALS
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Luton Town Council is to buy two lorries and a van.

South Shields Corporation is buying three Daimler Garclner-rngined single-deck buses. East Barnet Urban District Council is to invite tenders foe the supply of a fire-engine.

• Scalby Urban District Council requires tenders for the supply of a 30-40-rail. footpath roller: the closing date is November 8. • Manehester Transport Committee has accepted the tender of H. E. NUM111 and CO., .Ltd., for the supply of a Ford 1-ten -van. . Middlesex County Council has authorized the purchase of two 30-eivt: lorries, at Z235

each, and is to buy a Talbot ambulance. .

Walsall Health Department is inviting tenders for the supply of an ambulance for infectious diseases eases; tenders have to be delivered by November 11, Colwyn Bay Borough. Council invites tenders for the supply of a 2-ton lorry and a 1-tonner. Further particulars may be obtained from the borough engineer and surveyor, Town Hall, Colwyn Bay, and tenders must be received by November 22.

N or thing Corporation is inviting tenders for the supply of two 15-cubic-yd rear-loading refuse collectors. Further particulars may be obtained from the borough engineer and surveyor, and tenders have to be delivered by November 18. Widnes Borough Council requires tenders for the supply of a 2-ton lorry equipped with a hand-operated end-tipping body, the. inside dimensions to be •10 it. 9 ins.. long, 6 it. 9 ins, wide and 2 ft. deep. Tenders must be received by 'the gas and water engineer by first past on November 6. Glasgow Water Committee is buying an Albion 2-ton lorry. Coventry Corporation's transport committee is to purchase two buses. Penrith Urban District Connell is considering the purchase of a 30-cwt. lorry. Southwark Borough Connell is buying three Dennis vehicles, two with moving doors. Croydon Corporation's chief officer of the fire brigade is to obtain tenders for the supply of an ambulance. Wood Green Corporation recommends the purchase of a Seal:omen mechanical horse and

refuse collector. •

Stake-on•Trent Corporation is to obtain tenders 'for the supply of a 2-ton lorry for the works department. Grimsby Transport Committee recommends the purchase of three Albion bus chassis with Roe double-deck bodies. Aldershot Town Council requires a 20-25-gait. lorryand a 12-15-red. van. Tenders have to be received by November 5. Southwark Borough Council recommends the acceptance of the tender of Alford and Alder. Ltd., for the supply of two Morris vans, Hayes and Harlington Urban District Council acquires a. 7-cubic.-yd. refuse collector and tenders have to be delivered by November 12. The cleansing committee of Leeds Corporation, which already has four • Seaminell mechanical horses, has decided to purchase two more. irAn oil-engined road and a .petrol footpath roller are required o, Colwyn Bay TOW11 Council; the closing date for tenders is November 12. Cheltenham Watch Committee has deferred for the present the purchase of a fire-engine, hut has arranged for an inspection of the latest , types of appliance. Chester Corporation's transport. committee ports that it will shortly be necessary to purchase new buses, and the general manager is to submit. a report. on the matter, Glasgow Corporation's police committee has • accepted the tenders of Messrs. George and Johling for the supply of a Ford tower wagon.. and of Albion Motors, Ltd., also for a tower wagon. •