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Police Watch On Cattle Hauliers.
A direction in which the Doncaster police keep a vigilant eye is with regard to the non-observance of the regulations concerning vehicles for the conveyance of animals. During......
Authority Rebukes G.w.r.
C R1T1C1SM by both the Western Licensing Authority and the applicant's solicitor of the Great Western Railway Co.'s action in objecting to the renewal of the licence of a......
Parcels Carriers Appeal Dismissed
O N Tuesday, the Appeal Tribunal dismissed the appeal of Messrs. Swift Parcel Delivery Services against the refusal of the South Wales Licensing Authority to vary an A licence......
Nearly 900 New Road Motors For L.m.s,
THE London, Midland and Scottish 1 Railway Co. announces that it has placed orders with British manufacturers for nearly 900 new road vehicles. These orders, which comprise the......