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The Southern Sub-area (Metropolitan) of the Associated Road Operators is holding an important meeting at the Five Belts Hotel, New Cross Road, London, S.E.I4, on Monday next, at 8. p.m., when the speakers will be Major the Hon. Eric Long, Ti)., J.P., political adviser to the Association, Mr. P. A. Ella, a leading authority on passenger transport, and Major the Hon. Oscar Guest, prospective Conservative candidate for north-west Camberwell. Mr. A. E. Drain, the area chairman, will preside.
Co-ordination Amongst Bodybuilders.
It may be news to some of our readers interested in bodywork to learn that Metropolitan-Cammell-Wernann Motor Bodies, Ltd., Vickers House, Westminster, London, S.W.1, has taken over the bodybuilding interests of Short Bros. (Rochester and Bedford), Ltd„ Seaplane Works, Rochester, but the Metropolitan-CammellWeymann concern will .continue to build its own patented metal body, which is proving so popular. Actually, the arrangement has been in force for some six months,. and Mr. W. P. Kemp, of Short Bros., will probably he joining the Metropolitan-CamnieThWeymann board.
Mr. Backhouse Handles 25 Cases in a Day!
As am example of a busy man's day's work in the traffic court, Mr. H. Backhouse, junr„ solicitor to, the Commercial Motor Users Association (Manchester), recently had 25 cases to look after. Twenty applications were granted, decision was reserved in three, and the other two were
adjourned for further hearing. The cases were varied, covering renewals and modifications, with two for new services.
Vehicles on Show Outside Olympia. Whilst the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., will not be exhibiting at the Commercial Motor Show, from November 7-16, the concern has arranged that during the period of the Show the complete Ford and Fordson range of commercial vehicles will be on view at Cleverlys, Ltd., Kensington Road, London, W.14.
Another concern which will not be represented at Olympia is the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd. This company will also display a selection of its 1936 models at 3, Hammersmith Road, W.14, during the Show. The machines to be exhibited will include a 2-ton forward-control chassis and a complete lorry, a 3i-ton forward-control drop-sided lorry, and an example of the concern's 3I-4-ton forward-control chassis, equipped with the Gardner 4L.K.-type oil engine. Other vehicles in the Vulcan range will be available for demonstration.
J. Willett, Ltd., of Colchester, will be displaying, during the Show period, two buses having as their bases Ford chassis, in showrooms at the corner of Holland Road and Kensington Road. BOLTON OPERATORS VALUE " C.M." COSTING SERVICE.
Rate-cutting, if it continued unchecked, would be the death of the industry, said Mr. Wyndham Gibbs, superintendent organizer of the Associated Road Operators, East Lanes and North Western Areas, at a representative meeting of Bolton hauliers, last week. Calling attention to The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs, he indicated their value as independent evidence that could be produced to prove to the . difficult type of customer what were the facts regarding economic rates.
The Enfton appeal decision represented a desperate' challenge so long as. the railway companies were allowed to use it against the established haulier. The A.R.O. must upset on as many counts as possible the application of the decision against the established operator.
Mr. R. P. Whipp, chairman of the East Lanes Area, said that as a chartered accountant. he based his castings on the calculations of S.T.R., The Commercial Motor economics expert, and he strongly advised attendance at the meeting in the area, on December 2, which would be addressed by
S.T.R. • The need for stabilized rates and the necessity of organization was dealt with by Mr: Ashley F. Taylor, of The Commercial Motor. Mr. J. Demaine, who presided, said that the establishment Of a rates committee would be considered at the next sub-area .
• meeting. • Partnership Required.
We know of a student of economics, who has been acting as a political organizer and has had a University education, who wishes to join a progressive firm of haulage contractors as an active junior director. He is willing to invest up to £500 and work for a nominal salary while learning the business. Letters should be addressed to " Partnership," care of the Editor.
Propaganda in Southern Area.
Three important meetings were addressed, on Monday and Tuesday, by Mr. R. W. Sewill, national director of Associated Road Operators. On Monday he attended a luncheon of Southampton Chamber of Commerce, at which about 180 persons were present, and afterwards a deputation from the A.R.O. local branch interviewed one of the Parliamentary candidates.
On Monday evening, Mr. Sewill spoke at Winchester on the forthcoming election, and on Tuesday addressed a meeting at Blandford, when 150-160 persons were present, including the candidate for North Dorset.
Unladen Weight of E.R.F. Model 0.E .4.
We are asked by E. R. Foden and Son, manufacturers of E,R.F. vehicles, to point out that the unladen weight of the E.R.F. Model 0.E.4 vehicle, complete with the cab and standard body, will be under 24tons.