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More Overhang Permitted

1st September 1961
Page 28
Page 28, 1st September 1961 — More Overhang Permitted
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AMENDMENTS have been made to the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, which affect the rear overhang of goods and public service vehicles. The amendments also deal with turntable fire escape devices which are fitted to vehicles designed for that type of equipment.

Until now the maximum rear overhang permitted has been limited to not more than 50 per cent. of the wheelbase. This is now increased by 9 in. beyond 50 per cent, of the wheelbase, in the case of vehicles up to 20 ft. in overall length. Where the vehicles are over 20 ft. in length, an extra 15 in. is allowed, provided that in no case the rear overhang exceeds 7/24 of the overall length of the vehicle.

The amendments come into operation today and, states the Minister of Transport, should help designers of commercial vehicles, especially those concerned with the planning of public service vehicles who want to build buses and coaches of the new maximum overall length of 36 ft.