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D UR1NG the past four weeks The Commercial Mawr has published a series of articles relating to the various ways in which...
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I N April, 1960, Leslie John Barnett came home. After a lifetime spent mostly in faraway places he was back, for good, in the...
P ROOF, if it were really needed, of how much the Road Haulage Association has the interests of hauliers at heart has been...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT r - V A CONSIDERABLE amount of unrest continues among tipping vehicle owners and constructional...
A MENDMENTS have been made to the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, which affect the rear overhang of goods...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT D ESPITE the Government's wages pause, a new pay claim on behalf of London's 40,000 busmen...
rl A COMPREHENSIVE code of safety regulations covering workers in the construction industry in Great Britain will go into...
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A FTER a week of near-deadlock, owner/driver hauliers, working under contract A licence carrying pre-stressed concrete work...
T HE changes in administration at Standard-Triumph, Ltd., would have no effect on Albion Motors, Ltd., or on Leyland itself....
A DIRECTOR of a Hinckley haulage company was described as " the straightest haulage contractor we have dealt with" when his...
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Mr. H. Wilson has been appointed home sales manager of J. C. Bamford (Excavators), Ltd. He was previously assistant sales...
THREE lorry drivers summoned under I the 1835 Highways Act were given absolute discharges by Ormskirk magistrates last Friday...
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THE Minister of Transport has upheld an appeal by Wainfleet Motor Services, Ltd., who appealed against a revision by the West...
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TH REE new tankers to carry "tar and like products" were granted by the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. H....
F ARMERS in Isle of Axholme, Lines, may have to send their sugar beet crop to the Brigg factory of British Sugar Corporation by...
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THE West Midland Traffic Corn' missioners last week approved fares increases for West Bromwich transport department. The...
THE Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners. 1 sittin g at Leeds last week, were told that the three Led g ard companies were bein g "...
T HE number of g oods vehicles on the road increased by 32 per cent. between 1956 and 1960. the Ministry of Transport announced...
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N EARLY 10,000 more commercial vehicles were produced in June, 1961, than in the previous month. A total of 48,065 vehicles...
T HEpropeller shaft of a lorry was stated in Sheffield last week to have broken off, flown through the air, and struck a...
THE British Transport Commission I has set up a company to "advise coo and accelerate the development of major railway...
A DAIMLER bus, which first went into service in January, 1944, and was scheduled for disposal, has been modified by Burnley...
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Time" on Weight Counts • FROM N. H. THSLEY D ESPITE the fact that the only eye-witness to a series of alleged offences—a...
T HE Argentine Government has placed contracts totalling £5.1m. with Leyland Motors, Ltd., and A.E.C, Ltd., for buses. A total...
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A COMPANY designed to specialive IA in the large-scale leasing of capih:l equipment and vehicles to British industry and other...
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T HE right of an applicant to treat a fresh application as a continuation of a previous partially successful application was...
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Ft come The Mean Today This is the Experience of British Road Services in Pioneering their Continental Ferry Service with...
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B ECAUSE Britain is coming late, if at all, into membership of the Common Market, it must make the best it can of the structure...
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Semi-trailers With Twin Oscillating Rear . Axles are Currently Offered by Most Trailer Manufacturers. This Feature is Concerned...
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by P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E IN introducing measures to meet rising costs, the Urban District Council of Aberdare...
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M OST substantial of the many contract A licence switches that appear this week is an application by heavy haulage specialists...
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No "Pause" for Hauliers If the Chancellor's Aim of Greater Productivity is to be Realized, Road Transport Operators Will Soon...
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F oLLowiNG the satisfactory performance obtained with two Deutz air-cooled diesel engines fitted in Guy Arab double-deckers in...
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A SEMI-TRA1LER chassis that can be raised, lowered or tipped is shown in patents,No, e 869,641. Its primary purpose is for...