Swansea's new motorcab by-laws allow passengers to deduct 4d. from the total fare, for the first fiveminutes waiting.
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At an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Urban Taxicabs, Ltd., held at the Garage, 20, Avonmore Road, West Kensington, S.W., a resolution was passed to the effect that the company be wound up voluntarily.
We are given to understand that Mr. E. Alfred West, the gentleman who, in our issue for the 23rd March, we stated had been appointed general manager for the Provincial Motorcab Co., Ltd., is a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Ten motoreabs have been running until recently in Madrid since the Salon of four years ago. These vehicles have now been withdrawn, owing, it is stated, to bad management. Madrid has 600,000 inhabitants, many of whom are wealthy. There should be a good opening for an enterprizing company there. Dublin's Anti-Antics,r, The first annual general meeting of the Dublin Anti-Taxi Association was recently held in the Mansion House at Dublin, the Lord Mayor presiding. Resolutions wen moved by various councillors urg ing the members of the Association to use every endeavour, by means of combination, to resist the importation of taxicabs into the city.
The Easter Exodus.
As we record in other parts of this issue, the holiday traffic, in which motorcabs and other public vehicles were concerned, was of enormous proportions during the Eastertide. The superb weather ccnelitions took vast crowds to the railway stations, and from our correspondents in most of the big cities we have statements of record business for taxicabs especially. At the London Road Station, Manchester, the approaches were at times blocked with incoming motor vehicles and the same condition prevailed at London railway terminii.