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20th April 1911
20th April 1911
Page 1
Page 1, 20th April 1911

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Firemen as Drivers, or Drivers as Firemen ?

It seems but a few years ago that many of us were using the expression " as fast as a fire-engine " to typify what was then...

Page 2

One Hears—

That the C.M.U.A. radiator cap illustrated in this issue is not at all a bad job. That in four year's tune all London...

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Overloading and Overdriving.

By Henry Sturmey. The performances of cars in commercial use vary considerably, and one is often at a loss to account for the...

Page 5

From Our Berlin Correspondent.

Motorcab Licences Distrainable in Germany. Two German courts of justice have already given judgment to the effect that a cab...

Page 6

N eiva contributions are invited payment will be Marie on publication.

The report of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., states that the accounts for the year ending 31st December...

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Fire-Brigade Matters.

News contributions are invited: payment will be made on publication. The Huddersfield Corporation last week accepted delivery...

Page 8

News and Comment.

"This journal is admitted to possess the influence, the men, the standing and the leading circulation. It is exclusively read...

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Motorcab Topics.

News contributions are invited: payment will be made on publication. THE LONDON MOTORCAR SITUATION: WILL THERE HAVE TO RE A...

Declarations by the Masters and the Men.

During the Easter recess, the matters in dispute between the London motorcab drivers and the proprietors of the machines have...

Page 10

Swansea's new motorcab by-laws allow passengers to deduct 4d. from the total fare, for the first fiveminutes waiting.

At an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Urban Taxicabs, Ltd., held at the Garage, 20, Avonmore Road, West...

Page 11


By "The 4"Jctractor" It will have been noticed that a cleavage is in progress between the B.C.R.T. Co., Ltd., and Halley's...

Page 12

From Our U.S.A. Correspondent.

I was much struck, when in 'Chicago recently, with the number of uses to which motor wagons are put by the park commissioners....

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Burrell's New Steam Wagon.

A Vehicle with Many Practical Features ; Produced by the Makers of the Tractor which Won the R.A.C. Gold Medal in the...

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Contributions from Drivers and Mechanics.

TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....

Page 18

Patents Completed.

Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...