Test your skills, drive new motor!
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It Lorry Driver of the Year time again-don't delay, get your enly in right now
THE TWENTY-SIXTH annual Lorry Driver of the Year contests, sponsored by CM, kicks off on April 29 with the Wiltshire and North Humberside rounds. Some 3,000 or more drivers are expected to take part in all the centres; and the better-than-ever Finals will be held for the second year at Cranfield Airfield, Bedfordshire, on September 16. The major prize for the champion and entrant is the Michelin European study awards.
An added attraction at the Jubilee Finals in 1978 was the display of lorries put on by distributors, giving commercial drivers the opportunity to try many of the different makes of vans and lorries. This year all the 15 major European makes are expected to be included in this popular feature.
Entry forms for the rounds are available from the LDoY contest National Secretary, John Wells, Room 810, Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, SE1 9LU (tel: 01-261 8511 or 8742). Leaflets, entry forms and regulations are being circulated to 300 transport cafés, and they are also available from the RHA and FTA.
Entry fee for the competition is now £10. However, participation in the competition attracts grants towards driver training from the Road Transport Industry Training Board.
Aberdeen G. M. Cumming, c/o Accident Prevention Dept., Grampian Police, Queen Street, Aberdeen AB9 1BA. Tel: Aberdeen 29933 Ext 228.
Belfast R. L. Peacocke, 34 Firfields, Lough Road, Co. Antrim. Tel: Belfast 746795 (Office); Antrim 2163 (Home) Birmingham F. A. Carroll, Baskerville House, Broad Street, Birmingham. Tel: 021-235 3857.
Bristol S. H. Greenhalgh, AMInst RS, Road Safety Training Officer, Colston House, Colston Street, Bristol BS15AQ. Tel: 0272 293891 Ext 29 Buckinghamshire North Rob Stanton, Local Distribution Manager, Redland Tiles Ltd., Grovebury Road, Leighton Buzzard, Beds. Tel: 0525 37 2206 Cumbria Alan Causer, Cumberland Transport Training Ltd.,
Parkhill Road, Kingstown Industrial Estate, Carlisle. Tel: Carlisle 24571.
Edinburgh M. Langlands, Scottish Road Services (Forth) Ltd, 62 West Harlow Road, Edinburgh. Tel: 031 551 1151. Fleetwood Mrs. D. B. Timms, 10 Mere Avenue, Fleetwood, Lancashire. Tel: Fleetwood 2306.
Grimsby W. E. Dalby, Area Road Safety Officer, Humberside County Council, Market Street, Grimsby. Tel: 0472 52788 Hampshire F. G. Cornick, Maylings Manor Hotel, High lands Road, Fareham, Hemp shire. Tel: Fareham 286451 Herefordshire Chris Brooks 71 Whitehorse Street Hereford. Tel: 0432 41 30 Inverness H. Finlayson, High land Regional Council, Litt1( Canneth Street, Inverness. Tel 0463 37688 Kent Captain C. Chamber: RCT, 12 RSME Regiment Chattenden Barracks, Roch• ester, Kent ME3 8NQ. TeL 0634 44555 Ext 547 Leicester John Wilmot, Senior Road Safety Officer, County Engineer and Surveyor's Dept., County Hall, Glenfield, Leicester. Tel: (Office) Leicester 871313 Ext 7463 or 7483 (Home) Leicester 41 7930 Liverpool D. W. Stirzaker, District Road Safety Unit, Cheshire County Council, County Offices, Wellington Road, Ellesmere Port L65 6QL. Tel: 051-355 7133 London Dennis E. Teer, Schweppes House, Grosvenor Road, St. Albans AL1 3AD. Tel: St. Albans 59242 Londonderry T. A. Smallwoods TEng (CE]) MITE, 43 Deanfield, Londonderry. Tel: Londonderry 860351 Manchester Denis Murray, Transport Manager, Oldham Batteries Ltd, Denton, Manchester. Tel: 061 336 2431 Newcastle-under-Lyme E. Wood, Road Safety Officer, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, ewcastle, Staffs. Tel: Newastle (Staffs) 610161 Ext 219 lorth East K. Gray, 33 avensworth Road, Birtley, ounty Durham. Tel: Birtley 02061 or 402401 lorth Humberside A. Baker, rea Road Safety Officer, Techical Services Dept., Lord oberts Road, Beverley H U17 BE. Tel: Beverley 886291 Ext 86 lorwich Miss G. C. Moorby, orfolk and Norwich Group Oil, 27 Mountfield Avenue, orwich, NR6 5HW. Tel: Norich 45093
lottinghamshire R. Squire, reater Nottingham Coperative Society, Meadow ane, Nottingham. Tel: Notngham 868014
Ixford R. J. Spiers, District oad Safety Officer, County Enineers Dept., Speedwell ouse, Speedwell Street, xford OX1 1NE. Tel: 0865 156 outh Bucks & Berks B. H. ull, Southern BRS Ltd., 64a gston Road, Staines, TW18 N. Tel: Staines 58566 outh Ruislip D. Sells, Goodaar Tyre Co., Ltd., 2 Rainbow /ay, Colne Engaine, Colchater, Essex. Tel: Earls Colne 807 outh Wales G. B. Emery 1.Inst. TA, 125 Rendre Road, encoed, Nr. Bridgend, lamorgan. Tel: 0656 861 765 outh Yorks R. Saunders, rincipal Road Safety Officer, raffic Division, South Yorkshire ounty Council, County Hall, arnsley, Tel: 0226 86177 Ext 65 ussex H. Jones, Glasurit Beck :d., Hayes Lane, Slinfold, Horlam, Sussex RH 13 7SH. Tel: 403 790332 orbay Mervyn P. Capewell, istrict Road Safety Officer, orough Engineer, Tor Hill ouse, Castle Circus, Torquay a2 5QN. Tel: 26244 Warwickshire A. F. Kendrick, 16 Hothorpe Close, Ernsford Grange, Coventry CV3 2HX. Tel: Coventry 457839 West of Scotland Angus A. Johnson M.Inst R. S., 87 Bin End Road, Old Pollok, Glasgow. Tel 041 883 1731.
West Yorks J. Nicholson, High Street Transport Ltd., Hudson Road Mills, Leeds LS9 7DN. Tel: Leeds 36373 Weymouth R. A. Stephens, County Road Safety Officer, County Hall, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1XJ. Tel: Dorset 67544 Wiltshire J. A. Duncan, County Road Safety Officer, County Hall, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Tel: 022-14 3641 Ext 3450 Wolverhampton M. J. P. Deeming, Road Safety Officer, Civic Centre, St. Peter's Square, Wolverhampton VVV1 1RG. Tel: 0902 27811 Ext 2028
It is expected that Regional Contests will also take place at Manchester, Central Lancs (Leyland), South London, Felixstowe, Wrexham, Tayside and Herts /Essex. Details will be published in Commercial Motor when available, or can be obtained from the National Secretary.
National Secretary J. P. Wells FCIT, Room 810, Dorset House, Stamford Street, London SE1 9LU. Tel: 01-261 8511 or 8742