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-speed Leopards Po On Sale This Year
YIAND VEHICLES officially announced this week that the ' S6-80 six-speed synchromesh gearbbox will be offered for viand Leopard coach chassis for delivery during the 1979/80......
'ugoslav °builds
YLAND has won_ a )0,000 refurbishing order m a satisfied Yugoslavian operator. ['he Skopje municipal iertaking, unable to import AT vehicles due to currency mplications, is......
Rural Lanark Boost
PLANS are under way to boost public transport in Lanark District and to improve services to outlying areas. Strathclyde Region's highways and transport committee has agreed to......
Ribble To Try New National
A PRE-PRODUCTION Leyland National 2 is expected to begin service trials later this year with National Bus subsidiary Ribble Motor Services. This will be the first example with a......
Dispute In Dundee
ALL RURAL bus services operating from Seagate depot, Dundee, were cancelled at the weekend because of a dispute between W. Alexander & Sons (Northern) Ltd and its Dundee drivers......