News of the Week
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THE first a.g. . of the Public Trans1 port Association will be held at the Waldorf Hotel, London, W.C.2, on September 9. The meeting, hOwever, will be purely formal to conform with tha requirements of the articles of association.
It will be remembered that this bod.y was recently formed as a result of the, merging of the Public. Service Tiansport Association •and the Omnibus Owners' Assoeiation.
SAME RATE FOR COMMODITY INSURANCE WITH the approval of the Treasury, W the Board of Trade has •decided that for the period, September 3 to December 2, the rate of premium payable under any policy issued under the Commodity Insurance Scheme shall continue to be at 2s. 6d, per cent, per month. The monthly and threemonthly policies for a fixed sum and the three-monthly adjustable -policies which have previously been issued will continue.
1-111E report of the B.E.T. Omnibus 1 Services, Ltd., for the period from June 26,1942, to June 30, 1943, shows, a profit of £153,598. This is to be appropriated by the payment of a 10 per cent, dividend, subject to tax, on the cumulative preference •shares per cent, was paid in March la;St), which will account for £10,000, and by* paying a dividend of 61per cent. .free
of tax, on the ordinary shares (3 per cent, has already been paid), which will take £130,000, leaving LI3,598 to be carried forward..
As will be recalled, the company was incorporated in June, 1942, for the purpose of acquiring approximately one-half of the undertaking of Tilling and British Automobile Traction, Ltd., under a scheme for the 'reconstruction. and voluntary winding-up of that company.
AN interesting reference in the directors' report of United Molasses, Ltd., concerns the acquisition of the controlling interest in Weymann's Motor Bodies (1925), Ltd. It appears that this was made in pursuance of the Board's policy to broaden the base of the company's activities, especially by investing in those industries directly or indirectly connected with transport. Actually, this acquisition was made many months ago and it may have some link with the United MolasSes' interest in the " Q " electric vehicle.
ASCHEME for the zoning of beer distribution is being put into operation in the North-eastern Region, in accordance with the national plan to economize in transport by confining breweries to areas Of distribution best suited to that end. It is hoped to have the full scheme in operation by the end of this month.
ANEW economy device, which can be fitted in a few minutes, has been introduced by David Brown Tractors, Ltd., for use on tractors of its make,
The device consists of a vane-type baffle plate, which is fitted to the exhaust manifold in place of the existing perforated plate. The vanes direct exhaust flow around the vaporizing chamber, thereby causing a rapid rise in local temperature and enabling the driver to change over from petrol to t.v.o. within two minutes of starting from cold, instead of the usual six to eight minutes. .
Tractors .numbered 4,767 and over are fitted with this device before leaving the maker's works, but to enema-age•its general use on tractors of lower serial numbers the device will be sent free of charge to all owners giving the serial numbers of their machines. All applicants are, however, asked to send with each application a minimum of Is., which will be handed in its entirety to the Red. Cross Agriculture Fund, to
Inch all cheques and postal orders should be made payable and crossed. Applications should he made direct to David Brown Tractors, Ltd.., Meltham, near Huddersfield PERSONAL PARS Ma. Tom RORRISONl of Dumfries, has recently been appointed to represent the Kelvin Rubber Co., Ltd., throughout the counties of Wigtown, Kincudbright, Dumfries and Cumberland, .Mu. 0. H. CORRLE, who, since 1932, has been assistant to the chief general manager of the London and North Eastern Railway Co., has been appointed assistant general manager (ancillary services) with responsibility for matters relating to road and air transport, etc. He represents his company on the Boards of a number of associated bus and cartage companies, and is a member of Council of the Passenger Transport Association.
MR. WILLIAM EVANS, who has been for nearly 21 years works manager to Guy Motors, Ltd., is retiring owing to ill health, and, on medical advice, will work on his farm, In connection with this matter, there was recently an inter
estiws little ceremony at the Guy works, when Mr. Sydney Guy, managing director of the company, presented Mr. Evans with a silver rose bowl on behalf of the directors, whilst Mr. Harry Bood, the employee with the longest -continuous service (since July, 1915), presented Mr. Evans with a wallet and notes on behalf of the employees.
A.R.O. MEETINGS TO DISCUSS MR. SEWILL'S PAMPHLET AEETINGS of A.R.O. are being Inheld in all areas to discuss the pamphlet entitled " The Future of Transport," which has been prepared by Mr. Roger Sewill, National Director of the Association. Representatives of the Metropolitan Sub-area Committees met Mr. Sewill in London, last week, under the chairmanship of Mr. Eric Taylor Mr. Sewill explained the purpose of his pamphiet. It did no more than indicate the possible situation which would face the road-transport industry at the end of the war, and suggest one or two ways in which, the structure of the industry could be changed to meet the situation.
A further meeting was arranged for September P. at which it is hoped to put forward proposals incorporating the views of all the Sub-areas-of the Association.
FOR the year ended March 31 last, Clifford Motor Components, Ltd., made a net profit, after deducting taxation, of £35,000. An interim dividend of 7i. per cent., less tax, took £6,375, the payment of a final dividend of 124 per cent., less tax, will take £10,625, and a bonus of 10 per cent., less tax, will absorb £8,500. Of the remainder, £10,000 is transferred to general reserve, leaving £26,604 to be carried forward, compared with £27,104 brought in
AT. Bradford tecently a lorry driven was prosecuted because. during a journey which took him near his home he called there, with the vehicle, tt have his dinner He pleaded guilty to using petrol unlawfully, but • his solicitor stated that the diversion was only about 20 yds. The stipendiary. magistrate„ Dr. F J. 0. Coddington, remarked that from the number Of cases he had heard it seemed to have been the habit of drivers of lorries to .run home in. them when they wanted a .meal during working hours.. During the present shortage of petrol it was a serious offence to waste it in that wa V.
.The defendant driver was fined 20s. for the petrol . offence and 5s. for driving without a licence, which 'he said he had forgotten ,to renew. The , same penalties were imposed on his employer, a coal merchant of Eccleshill, who pleaded guilty to permitting the offences.
ON Monday last, August 16, the Kelvin Rubber Co., Ltd., the Scottish concern of tyre .and accessory factors, opened a new branch at 22, King Street, Dundee. This is incharg,e of Mr. W. T. Morrison, who has been well known in the .motor trade in Perth for some considerable time. •
ASTRONQ appeal for financial support for the Royal Armoured Corps Dub and Assistance Fund, which has been made •by Sir Miles Thomas, D.F.C., has had a .prompt response, sums up to £1,000 each having been sent by several important companies and individuals.
No section of the Arm e'd Forces can be more deserving of comfort on leave than the men who go into battle in armoured fighting vehicles, The• object
of the club, premises for which have been provided by the Duke of, Westminster at 30, Grosvenor Square, is to make available good accommodation and social amenities. for N.C.O.s and men of the Corps passing through London.
Donations should be addressed to the Secretary, Royal Armoured Corps Charities Trust, care of The Nuffield Organization, Oxford. EXPORT FIGURES FOR JUNE QUARTER
EEiXPORTS of new commereial vehicles from the United Kingdom during the quarter ended June, 194%, had a value of £103,360, whilst the value of commercial` chassis exported
totalled only £439. In the same period, tractors (not including those of the agricultural type) were exported to the value of £4,827. PRODUCTION OF THE FIRST RIGID SIX:WHEELERS
REVERTING to the date of production of the Guy six-wheeler which was mentioned in an article contained in our issue dated August 6, Guy Motors, Ltd., informs us that whilst , it was correct to state that the particular model sdescribed, driving on '• four rear wheels and with its axles carried in ball joints housed in the suspension, which, in turn, was mounted on a rocking shaft, was•produced in 1926, the company had been experimenting with' six-wheeled vehicles driving on the four rear wheels , for some 18 months previous to that ' date, i.e., in 1924, and, in fact, one of these also competed in the War.
Office Trial at Wool in 1925. It is • further pointed out that a six.:wheeled double-deck-bus chassis, also driving on four wheels, was produced in 1925. It seems, therefore, that the honour of producing the first rigid six-wheeler relates to only a matter of weeks, and could well be shared by the Guy and 'carrier concerns.
WE have received a further list of
long-distance haulage , units embodied in the Government Scheme, details of which are set out below in the usual order, viz. :—Area, unit number, unit controller and address. Communications to unit controller should be addressed :—Unit Controller, Road Haulage Unit No. —, Ministry of War Transport, care of the address given.
• Bedford: 4R3, F. Lucas, \V. T. Parrott and Co., Ltd., West Park Garage, 405, Dunstable Road, Luton.
Kendal: 10\74, J. Downes, Winscales, Workington, Cumberland.
Leicester: 3S12, G. Stephens, Platts Bros., Gipsy Lane, Leicester.
Maidstone: 12R7, W. J. Atkinson, Medway Transport, Ltd., Pump Lane, Rainham, Kent.
Previous lists should be amended as follow:—Newport (Mon.): 8R3, G.P. Wynn, unit controller. Glasgow: 11Q23, A. Scott, unit controller. Bristol: 7Q1, substitute N. S. Robertson for W. Lindsay. Salisbury: 752, substitute W. Webb for J. Lampard. Oxford: 6R5, read Tustin for Tuftin. Lincoln: 3T4, address should -read Bishops Road, Peterborough: 3T6, address should read Wembley Street, Gainsborough. Poole: 6T2, address should read 3/5, Malville 'Road, Winton, Bownemouth.
TILLING-STEVENS LOSES OLD EMPLOYEE WE regret to learn from TillingVI' Stevens, Ltd., that Mr. G, E. Hawksley, who had been in that company's service for 14 years, and was handling Vulcan spares, passed away on August 5.
THE 31st edition of the famous " Motor Manual " is now available at 5s. or 5s. 4d., including postage.
For those interested in aircraft spotting, there is a neat folder, price is. net, giving scale silhouettes and " Oddentifications " of well-known British, American and German firstline aeroplanes, etc., referred to as " The Spotter's Basic Selection."
Orders should be sent to Temple Press Ltd., Bowling Green Lane, London, E.C.1. HAULIER FINED FOR DEFECTIVE 'BRAKES OFFENCE
ACOLLISION between a goods
vehicle and a large flock of sheep on the main road between Bristol and Plymeuth, as a result of which eight sheep were destroyed, had a sequel at Exeter last week, when Huxhain and Co., a haulage-contracting concern, of Plymouth, was summoned for having permitted one of its lorries to be used when its brakes were not in order. The driver of the avehicle was also charged.
Evidence was given to the effect that 146 sheep' were being driven along the road between Bele and Broadclyst when the lorry collided with them; five of the animals were killed outright, ',nd three others had to be destroyed on the spot because • they were badly mutilated. It was subsequently found that the hand brake of the lorry was not in working order and that the foot, brakes were not fully effective.
The magistrates fined the company t£7 and ordered it to pay 21 8s.: 8dcostS. A -penalty of £2 was imposed on the driver and his licence was endorsed.
REPRESENTATIVES of transportm copanies operating in the Don
caster district recently conferred with the watch committee of the borough council on the question of the provision of a central station for public service vehicles. They suggested that The companies should be given the opportunity of considering any schemes contemplated by the council.