20th August 1943, Page 20
20th August 1943
Page 20

Page 20, 20th August 1943
News Of The Week
PUBLIC TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION'S FIRST A.G.M. THE first a.g. . of the Public Trans1 port Association will be held at the Waldorf Hotel, London, W.C.2, on September 9. The meeting,......
Directory Of Road Transport Cafes
A USBFUL directory of road - franc'port cafés, at ad. net, has just been issued by the Road Trarfsport Catering and Accommodation Joint Committee, 13. Elizabeth Street, London,......
M R. Sewill's Coming Report To A.r.o.
A REPORT has beep prepared by tl 'Mr. Roger . Sewill, National Director of A.R.O., fot the a..g.m. of that body, which will be held on August 2.3. He points out ,that one......