IN BRIEF .nother Raker Exhibition: A display of rw and
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used coaches is to he held at the arnham Trading Estate premises of E. J. aker and Co. (Dorking) Ltd. front clober IR to 22 inclusive. A similar show as held in 1963. and it was the success f this event which led to the decision to lake it a biennial display. The latest proucts from the Dunle and Plaxton stables ill he on show together with a new larshall-bodicd service hus, and many samples of good quality second-hand aaches.
Iockton Surplus: In the year ended larch 31 last. Stockton-on-Tees Corporaon Transport had a net surplus of 1:3,768. ,hich was transferred to the reserve fund. he latter stood at 01.616 at the end of larch and the undertaking's debt amounted f:141.000.
Ilaekhurn Deficit: Blackburn Corporation -ransport had a gross surplus of £46,139 in le year ended March 31 last. But after outoings of contribution to bus renewal fund :36.000). profits tax (1:740) and other dues. ite final result was a deficit of £4,334.
'otteries Traffic: A number of local authoriles are being invited by Stoke-on-Trent :orporation to join them in discussions with lirmingham University's. Transportation 3ept. on traffic facilities in the Potteries. -he aim is to work out a comprehensive raffle system for city traffic including link cads.
:onversion Kits for Bradford: Iwo sets of onversion equipment for AEC Regent V iouble-deckers are being supplied to tradford Corporation Transport at a cost if 0.000 plus approximately 1:200 labour barges in respect of one vehicle to he contried by AEC Ltd.Each " kit " consists if a new engine, fluid flywheel, gearbox and .neifiary parts.
,eopards for Exeter: The dual-entrance. 12-seat Massey bodies for one-man operation )y Exeter City Transport are to be mounted n't Leyland Leopard chassis.
;:ast Lanes for Averington: Accrington Corioration transport -committee has accepted he tender of East -Lancashire Coachbuilders Ad. for the supply of four double-deck ,odies to be mounted on Leyland Titan tassis at a cost of £3,480 each. The buses ire for delivery in the financial year 1967-8.
Penrith to Wigton Service Reductions: An ipplicarionto reduce the services between enrith and Wigton' has been made by Ernie 'fartness, of Penrith. This move was foretast in an article in; The Commercial Motor af April 2 last, describing the activities of .his veteran bus .operator.
iigher South Shields Fares: South Shields jorporation has received permission to ncrekise its bus fares._ The minimum fare will be raised from 2d. to 3d., while the lew maximum fare will he lid. The Coraoration told the Northern Traffic Commisioners that without higher fares the underaking would face a L60.000 loss this year.
Ewer and United
THE George Esser group of companies 1has acquired the goodwill of the posover interests of United Service Transport Co. Ltd. and its subsidiaries Blue Belle and Ff. J. Phillips. United retain their interest in road haulage: in effect 39 coaches are Added to the Ewer fleet and additional picking-up points provided. Routes operated by United were already covered by George Ewer group companies.