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In Brief .nother Raker Exhibition: A Display Of Rw And
used coaches is to he held at the arnham Trading Estate premises of E. J. aker and Co. (Dorking) Ltd. front clober IR to 22 inclusive. A similar show as held in 1963. and it was......
Rail-replacement Reliance For Red Rover
N ow 'operating on the rail-replacement service between Aylesbury and Steeple Claydon on the Great Central Line is this 53-seat Marshall-bodied AEC Reliance (above) of Red Rover......
Transport Studies At Leeds University
A CENTRE of transport studies is to be set up at Leeds University. The initiative in this move has been taken by Mr. Thomas Lord. general manager of Leeds City Transport.......
Bus Route Plan F Or Rochdale Canal
A . PRELIMINARY inspection has indiLa cated that there are no techrtical drawbacks to a scheme for a two-way tracked. bus route with lay-by stopping points along the Rochdale......