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Of cardsharpers in coaches.
That live steam is to be still livelier.
That many miners mean to play August out.
That there's money in honey on coach routes, Of too man i road-widenings left in an unfinished state, Of unexpected recruits to the ranks of tramcar preserves.
That the right side Of a driver' for a passenger is -the left.
That pits on valves are by no means affected by the st ()Iva gd.
Grumbles about the shortage of signposts around Bradford.
That trouble follows passing a Manchester tram on the off side.
That the Road Vehicles Bill is now in the "next year " stage. .
That writing adVertiSing names On the map is a copy or sky writing.. .
That the C.M.U.A. president. is going to Milan and IZome in September.
That some of Coventry's " nnadopted " roads are r::loyable orphans.
More noise from one motorcycle in Coventry than from a fleet of lorrieN.
Of huge transferences to the"motorbus of normal railway pasSenger traffics.
Of " sometime" and "never "I as possibilities if there k more industrial trouble.
That the agrimotor. has a hard furrow to plough— in the field of popularity.
That Mr. Churchill is about to rob the county councils in order to pay the rurals.
That it is hard work making old coaches pay with so many new models on the road.
That the municipal bus crisis is postponed, but each side is keeping its powder dry.
That calling' for it does not always produce the tieshed loading for motor coaches.
Of progress in the running'OfJoint passenger services and of working arrangements betiveen big concerns.
That buses on Sundays are as important as on other days of the week, in spite of the obstinate antagonism of certain municipal authorities.
That last Thursday's luncheon to Sir William Letts, given in the Great Gallery of the R.A.C. by the Council of the S.M.M. and T., was a' bright and cheery function.
Someone Suggesting that Birmingham . Corporation may have difficulty in persuading bus drivers to leave the allurements of their new garage to do " a job o' work." The query—" Why wait-five years?"
That chain track is on tile right track.
Of six-wheelers for trans-desert services.
That workmanship, like murder, willout.
That cellulose painting cuts down washing bills, Worcester's imprecations upon trippers' depredations.
Of the railways' appointed day as a disappointing date.
Row Leyland's provide tasteful transport for tasty biscuits.
• 'Ware of overcrowding as warning to bus proprietors.
Of the increasing popularity of long-distance bus services.
That a "police trap." by any other name would smell as rank.
Of a suggestion for equipping motorbuses with firstaid outfits.
From " S.T.R.," how supply may create demand at bus termini.
That there may be a 1927 slump in the total of hackney motors.
That the policy of accepting local tenders has much to recommend it.
That there should be a "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Springs."
That the day has gone when• "any old coach" could be sure of a load at holiday time.
A visitor to London complaining that road-repairing seems to have "broken out like a rash."
'Evil communications corrupt good manners rail way communications promote bad language."• That return tickets on bu• ses would avoid many of the difficulties experienced on country services.
From a somebody, that the horse should be used exclusively foy " ridin', huntin', racin an polo."
From a nobody, that pony progress should be from polo to polony.
That users should remember that many works are closed at this time of the year for annual holidays.
That, owing to the hot weather, many a,thoroughfare in the Loudon area is suffering from skin eruptions.
That the inadequacy of road services in some rural areas shows that the market for buses is not yet exhausted.