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Six-wheeled Buses Now In Municipal Service.
I N the article which occupies our centre pages we deal with one of the most important developments which has occurred for many years in passenger transport by road. This is the......
Economies And Advantages Of Six Wheels.
JJ ESPITE the amount of gearing employed in a rigid-frame six-wheeler, the loads on this are divided, and the final result is that the multiwheeler shows a reduced petrol......
A Penny Rate To Cover London's Tramways Loss.
TT is always considered desirable for those .1..engaged in passenger transport in the larger industrial centres to study not only the results of the working of thetramway......
The Safety And Reliability Of Pneumatic Tyres. .
T T is only a few years since the use of pneumatic .1. tyres on comparatively heavy vehicles was looked upon as being almost out of the question for all practical purposes, and......