Passing Comments
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No Day Off
WRITING in the July issue of The Road Way, the official organ of the Road Haulage Association, Mr. G. W. Irwin, Eastern Area secretary, clears up a misunderstanding about payment by hauliers for work on public holidays. He points out that a man who works on a public holiday must be paid double time, but is not entitled to a day off in lieu.
"It is only where in any place it is not the custom or practice to observe such days as holidays, and a man works on such days at normal single-time wages, that he is entitled to another day in lieu with pay." Mr. Irwin explains. If the man were required to work on that day he would then he entitled to double pay.
Better Lubrication
THEphosphate process known as " ?arca luberizing " is now fairly well known in the manufacturing field, but perhaps not so much elsewhere as are others used mainly for protection against rust. In this case, the ability of the coating to absorb and hold oil makes it particularly suitable for treating such components as gears, pistons and rings, valveoperating mechanisms and transmission parts, which are fabricated in many classes of ferrous material. The fact that the crystal size can be controlled so that full allowance can be made for working tolerances makes the process particularly useful, and the coating
gives consistent reAults if the material under treat ment and the method employed are unchanged. '
For processing, the parts are immersed in a special solution, which is at a temperature of 205-210° F., for a period of about 15 min., after which they are rinsed and dried off, and finished by immersion in a suitable lubricant or sprayed with it. Normally, the lubricant is that with which the component will operate in service.
The advantages of the treatment are many; wear on working parts is reduced, scuffing, local welding and other undesirable results often experienced when running-in certain parts, are obviated, and the operation can be carried out more rapidly. Also, the oil retention permits better lubrication, particularly when full lubrication may not exist on starting up. Corrosion of the treated components is also prevented.
Atomic Plant in U.S.S:R.
IT is about two years since the first atomic powerplant constructed by the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences began to generate electricity for industrial purposes. The output is comparatively small, being some 5,000 kW. The important point is, however, that whereas the plant uses only a few pounds of uranium, another of similar capacity but of 'normal design would have consumed something like 75,000 tons of coal over this period. The interest in it is indicated by the fact that it has already been inspected by some 2.000 visitors from 50 countries.
Licence Discs and Pennants
A MONG several proposed alterations to the Con" struction and Use Regulations announced by the Minister of Transport is one which would prohibit the use of any pennants or labels that might obstruct the view through a windscreen_
Doubtless this is a good proposal in the interests of safety, although it is the private motorist, rather than the commercial-vehicle driver, who likes to display on his windscreen these souvenirs of places he has visited.
One cannot help wondering, however, whether an Excise licence disc could be considered a nuisance when mounted on a windscreen. The Registration and Licensing Regulations state that the licence shall be displayed either on the near side of the cab facing towards the near side, or else it "may be carried facing forwards on the near (left) lower corner of the glass of the windscreen, or within 2 in. of the glass in front or behind it." The distance away from the corner is not specified.
Elsewhere it is stated that the A, B, or C carrier's licence disc under the Road and Rail, Traffic Act, 1933, shall be displayed "adjacent to" the Excise licence disc. The disc for a trailer may also be displayed here, .So that some lorries have three discs alongside each other, obstructing the view through part of the windscreen. Will these be banned with the pennants?'
Safety Splash
A BIG new campaign to promote care on the roads " is being hastily prepared to be in time for the August Bank Holiday. Motoring organizations and safety committees last, week sent representatives to a conference with Mr. Harold Watkins" Minister of Transport, at the House of Commons, to plan the arrangements.
They discussed the best ways of avoiding congestion on the coast roads, and the R.A.C. and A.A. representatives told the Minister the effects of experiments at Whitsuntide and Easter. Plans were laid for a big campaign by posters to urge caution during the August Bank Holiday. when the roads will be choked with traffic.
There will be extra police patrols and road scouts out to keep traffic moving safely and steadily, and Mr. Watkinson will do his own part by speeches between now and then.