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A PRIZE OF TEN SRILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we pubtish an this page ; all others are paid for at the rate of a penny a. line, with an allowance for photographs. All notes are edited before being published. Mention your ciroployer's name, in confidence, as evidence of good faith, Address. D., Iii. and F., '• The C..3mercial Motor," 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, EC 1,
Lamps Alight.
On Saturday, March 22nd, light your lamps at 6.47 in London, 7.30 in Edinburgh, 6.53 in Newcastle 6.39 in Liverpool, 6.54 in Birmingham, 6.57 in Bristol', and 7.42 in Dublin.
Two Engine Tips.
[1954] "N.S.H." (Wigan) writes :—" The following two tips will undoubtedly prove, of value to some of the readers of your D., M. and F.' pages. When facing up the flanges of oil or water pipes, especially when, as is often the case, with oil pipe joints, no jointing material other than shellac varnish is permitted to be used, owing to the possibility of the
disintegrating action of oil on rubber or the various jointing materials used, the method shown in the enclosed sketch [which we have had redrawn.—En.] be found to save much time and the annoyance of subsequent refacing and refitting. "The method which I adopted is to file up and scrape the face of the flange (if no jointing is to be used) and then slightly chamfer, or taper off, the face of the flange at the bolt holes, by a few strokes of the file, at right angles to the major axis of the flange, as shown by the shaded portions on the sketch. Of course, sufficient width or length of facing must be left to ensure a joint, generally the dimension x being equal to the width of the flange at Y. By this means the convexity, which nearly always occurs in a greater or lesser degree when tightening up the bolts. or studs of a flange of this kind, is obviated, and it will be found in practice that a perfect joint is always obtained.
"The other tip concerns the bedding in of connecting rod bearings either when fitting and erecting a new engine or when replacing a worn big end. It is the usual procedure when scraping and fitting a. connecting rod bearing to have the bearing sufficiently tight to permit the connecting rod to fall over by its own weight when, placed in a vertical position, with the bearing, of course reasonably well 'bedded in. A much better job can 'be obtained, however, if just before the last scraping operation which is to bring the bearing to the desired tightness, a few light blows from a hammer are given to the rod and cap, as shown in the accompanying illustration. [We have had this redrawn.—En.] This operation reduces the high
spots on the bearing by spreading them, and the rod will now be found to have just the requisite freeness, or possibly after a little further scraping to have an almost perfect bed."
How to Make a Box Spanner.
[1955] "B.T." (Clerkenw ell) writes:—" In the course of a, long experience as a. mechanic, in a large garage, I have come to the conclusion that there is practically' no chassis on which all the nuts are so well placed that they can be got at by means of the' ordinary spanner. In nearly every case some will be found which are inaccessible/ without the and of a box spanner. In a, garage, of course, it is Possible . to have a stock of box spanners sufficient to be adaptable for any size which is likely to be met. If one of the right size is not obtainable, it is quite a simple matter to make one. All that is necessary is a short length of suitable tube and a similar sized nut to the one which it is desired to unscrew. File the top half of each face!of this unit, so that it will resemble a truncated pyramid, and slightly round the top edges and angles, as shown in the sketch [which we have' had redrawn.—En]. The piece of steel tubing shoeld have an inside diameter equal to the width of the nuts across the flats.
"Commence by driving the mat into -the-tube, a little way, lay the tube and nut sideways on an anvil and hammer each of the sides in turn. It will then be found that the nut will go farther in, and the process should be repeated. When this nut has been driven quite flush the same process can be repeated with a new nut. Still further hammering will make the spanner an easy fit. All that remains is to 4611
a tommy hole and the box spanner is complete." '