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R ENEWED ATTENTION has recently been. drawn to the Slough depot scheme, both in the House of Commons and in the g eneral Press....
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A S FAR BACK as September. 22nd, 1910, an. a leading article in The Commercial Motor, the writer put forward views which were,...
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Hideous noises in gearboxes. That the sun has been demobilized. That Skoropadsky is not a corn specialist. That Winchester...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by Me...
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Practical Road Experience with Col. D. J. Smith's Plant. I T IS REMARKABLE how entirely one can. become oblivious to the fact...
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The Need for Better Roads. The Training of Native Mechanics and Drivers. T • HE GREAT DRAWBACK to motor transport in many...
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At an important meeting, held at the Ntiddlesex Guildhall early last week, of the Joint Industrial Council for the Road...
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Motor Lorries Play a Prominent Part in the Fostering of Milk Production in Wilts and Gloucestershire. H OW MANY OF the...
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C AST STEEL WHEELS solid with the hubs are very nearly universal in this country to-day on all but the lightest commercial...
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How to Calculate the Working Costs, and Thence Mileage Charges, of a Commercial Vehicle. T HE ADOPTION of a commercial motor...
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Nottinghamshire having been the first among public authorities to embark upon the general use of tarmac on main roads, it was...
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Some Topical Notes and Comments. Transatlantic Air Services. T HE LAUNCHING of R33 and R34 has served to draw renewed...
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No, Stenson, I Won't Write to LI. G. "Invitations to Tender." The Wait and See Bill. F ROM ALL I can hear there are only two...
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R.A.S.E. Tractor Trials. Night Ploughing Possibilities. The Royal Agricultural Society has now definitely announced its...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SRILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we pubtish an this page ; all others are...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. There are two interesting patent specifications this week, both dealing...