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Barton and Trent to Fix Principles

20th March 1953, Page 48
20th March 1953
Page 48
Page 48, 20th March 1953 — Barton and Trent to Fix Principles
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

nISCUSS1ONS on questions of prin

ciple and "spheres of influence" are to be held between Barton Transport, Ltd., and the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., with a view to putting a gentleman's agreement into more concrete form.

This was stated at a sitting of the East Midland Licensing Authority when Barton Transport, Ltd., applied to run a service from Nottingham to Kirk Hallam estate, and another from Kirk Hallam to Derby. Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., objected.

Mr. L. W. A. White, for the applicants, asked for an adjournment and said that the number of occasions when the companies opposed each other might be reduced as the result of the discussions. The talks might affect not only Kirk Hallam, but other estates in the vicinities of which both companies were operating. Mr. W. Hargrave, for the Trent concern, said that it was intended that the territories appropriate to each company should be more accurately defined.

Mr. White and Mr. Hargrave said that a representative of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., would be invited to a conference about the Nottingham-Kirk Hallam service.


AN order for 60 A.E.C. 11.3-litre oil engines has been placed wits A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., by the Canadian Car and Foundry Co., Ltd. This follows a recent visit to Canada by the export director of A.C.V. The engines will .be installed ire buses to be built by the Canadian concern.