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W ITH great reluctance the Government have agreed to exempt from the levy vehicles up to 30 cwt. unladen instead of a ton. The...
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D URING the debate in the House of Lords on the committee stage of the Transport Bill, Lord Teynham suggested that the Bill, as...
Replacement or Overhaul? THERE was a discussion on "Fast Vehicle a Replacement or Emphasized Maintenance" at the annual...
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That the famous Bailey bridge is proving as valuable for peacetime projects as it was on war service. Of stiff necks from...
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" M ORE expenditure on road construction, maintenance a n d improvement is vital to the interests of road safety, and the...
cellor of the Exchequer the case of road transport operators for relief from fuel tax and purchase tax on commercial vehicles,...
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A MONG a large batch of amendments moved by the Government ri during the report stage of the Transport Bill in the House of...
A N informative booklet, "Private Parties by Road," has been published by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., Preston, and 10,000...
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MR. A. E. HOLME has become Liverpool district manager of the India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. MR. W. R. TIMKEN has succeeded...
of bolts and nuts has been developed by London Transport. More than 65,000 items are already being reclaimed weekly. The...
EiLABOR ATE plans to convey sped tators to their places along the route of the Coronation procession on June 2 and special...
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A I MED at determining what the proper period of the Coronation was and how many extra vehicles should be authorized to meet...
Q UT of 77,013 vehicles passing Hyde Park Corner, London, from 8 a.m.8 p.m. one Tuesday last July, 23,166 were commercial...
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THE. entire shareholding of the I Universe Petroleum Co., Ltd., has been acquired by Fina Petroleum Products. Ltd. The Universe...
L 10ENCES to run direct coach services from Marlborough Farm army camp, Kineton, to Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester were...
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VV HEN the hearing began before the South Wales Licensing Authority, last week, of the application of Western Welsh Omnibus...
wiliEN the Transport Tribunal con tinued its hearing Of the British Transport Commission's new draft passenger charges scheme,...
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O F the heavy goods vehicles capable of exceeding 20 m.p.h., only 6 per cent, observed the legal limit, the Minister of...
n ISCUSS1ONS on questions of prin ciple and "spheres of influence" are to be held between Barton Transport, Ltd., and the...
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LIVE problems that will face the Road Haulage AsSociaI tion and their members when the Transport Bill has been passed, were...
Have Own Union THE National Busworkers' Association are launching a petition for presentation to the Minister of Transport and...
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Sentinel Passenger Chassis has Direct. injection Oil Engine, Combined withWellchosen Gear Ratios By Laurence J. Cotton T HE...
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Lail Tractors Haul Twin Containers on Trailers on a Shuttle Service from Liverpool Docks to Tate and Lyle Refinery R AW sugar...
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A STAN DAR D all-steel normal-control cab, softer suspension and wider track dimensions are among the major developments in the...
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THE construction of underground I garages beneath certain London squares and the introduction of parking meters, similar to...
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Petrol-injection Engine A ' present on trial by the Army is an -800 b.h.p. petrol-injection engine designed for vehicle • use....
Life with H.D. Oil E NGINE life could be prolonged by the use of a heavy-duty detergent oil with a sulphur inhibitor, said Mr....
A FIER a fully laden 10-ton lorry P% recently left the road at the top of Edge hill, in Warwickshire, and plunged 300 yd. down...
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A NEW David Brown five-speed constant-mesh gearbox will shortly become available to the industry. Outwardly identical with the...
/ - 1 A NOVEL vehicle to do work for which two were previously required has been designed and built by Mr. D. H, Morgan,. of...
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Free for All A ' part of a sales drive for Coronation year, Raymond Way Motors, Ltd., Canterbury Road, London, N.W.6, has...
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Freedom Must be Bought WE are one of no doubt many haulage concerns " operating under what we think is called "The Flag of...
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Compose a Public Face By JANUS S INCE the last general election, the diviners who diligently study the surface of the...
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Quoting Charges for Councils Further Advice for Hauliers Seeking Work from Municipalities is Given in this Article, which also...
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T HREE new models announced by Trojan, Ltd., Purley Way, Croydon, are available with Perkins P.3 oil engines. Two passenger...
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R OAD vehicle engines should ideally give a constant torque irrespective of speed whereas in fact the real torque is usually...