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BCOTLAND'S west coast ferry iervices are to be investigated w the Monopolies and Mergers ;ommission, as part of that orjanisation's rolling study of xiblic undertakings. The antouncement comes just as )lans to establish a competitive nivate ferry service have gained nomentum.
The Commission is to investigate the efficiency of Caledonan MacBrayne, which has a nonopoly of many of the links )etween the west coast and the -Iebrides. Its report may prove a Jseful means for establishing a evel of road equivalent tariff which is expected to be introiuced from next year.
In the meantime, Seabridge Vlarine, an Argyllshire company which wants to introduce a new Than-Stornoway service, was loping to meet CalMac this week to discuss whether it could gain access to its Oban terminal :his year. (CM March 13.) ,A Seabridge spokesman said :hat if the company could use :he CalMac terminal, it could in:roduce a service from June this rear, but it also has a longerarm proposal to build its own :ermine' at Oban.
The unsubsidised Stornoway iervice would run three days a Neek, and for three other days, a -leysham-Northern Ireland xossing would be provided in lace of the now withdrawn Seaink crossing from Heysham to Belfast. The spokesman said that this route could still be provided f the Hebridean service is not atarted.