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WE ARE DISAPPOINTED that Sir Geoffrey Howe did not adopt our suggestion to abolish vehicle excise duty and collect the revenue...
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HE ROAD Transport industry is steadily being drained of skilled ibour, and could face substantial shortages of key staff by the...
NE OF THE few voices of dissent over the Road Haulage AssociaDn's proposals for revised district boundaries has come from a...
.ENNING Motor Group's uropean turnover was E242m )r the year ended December 30, 981; results from Zimbabwe fere outstanding and...
ANY COSTS resulting from the splitting of the Road Transport Industry Training Board will be met by the industries involved....
BEDFORD's 14.9 per cent share of the 1981 British commercial vehicle market helped reduce Vauxhall Motors' loss from 1980's...
THE TRANSPORT Development Group's 1981 profit was down Om on 1980, with pre-tax profit falling from £2 1.3 7 3m to £15.166m....
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ANOTHER 500 town and village by-passes could have been created if the Government had put back into the road programme half of...
THE LIVERPOOL-Belfast ro-ro ferry service restarts on March 31, when a daily service is started with one sailing in each...
TRANSPORT SECRETARY David Howell, last week explained why he had proposed that the maximum permitted weight on the drive axle...
IT WOULD be imUroper for 1 Commons to consider a Finer Bill that made special provisi for the taxation of lorries tl could not...
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BRITAIN is the fourth worst "offender" among 13 European muntries in terms of the proportion of revenue taken from road Isers...
BCOTLAND'S west coast ferry iervices are to be investigated w the Monopolies and Mergers ;ommission, as part of that...
ROLLSROYCE Motors' diesel division at Shrewsbury is deeply concerned at a decision of Shropshire County Council's planning and...
SOME of Britain's roads, including trunk roads, have begun to deteriorate, according to the National Road Maintenance Condition...
JAPANESE commercial vehicles could take 14 per cent of the United Kingdom market, according to a survey of the commercial...
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ing of MOTEC at Livingston were Budget. But there was no definite )ROTESTS at the proposed clos nade during the debate on the...
at appeal CM is considering covering an appeal cost for a Nottinghamshire lorry driver who was convicted of speeding last...
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WAGE INCREASES last yt were about half of those for t previous year, the Freight Trar port Association's driver wages service...
THREE more motorway servii areas are planned for the Well stretch of the M4. At prose' there is only one west of ti Severn...
THE GOVERNMENT should be careful that it really does what the public wants when it imposes environmental restrictions on the...
THE SEVERN urgently needs a second road bridge says Roy Hughes, Labour MP for Newport. The whole economy of South Wales is...
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LORRY driver sacked by Ferrymasters Ltd has been awarded 5,230.80 compensation for unfair dismissal by a Leicester industial...
; YOUR office the model of effiiency? If not, the Business Effilency Exhibition could help. The exhibition will have more ran...
THE FREIGHT Transport Association has announced its programme of residential courses for the Certificate of Professional...
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CONSIDERABLE savings al claimed for the time taken 1 prepare casings for the KentrE and Kenprest processes by R. Tyre and...
route, Pandoro has named MARK FORREST as transport manager — Midlands. Mr Forrest, who joins the company from the Thomas...
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i,000 RENAULT cv parts have been reduced in price by an average )f eight per cent. Up to 40 per cent has been taken off service...
kNTHONY CARRIMORE, part of he York Group, has developed a iin-eye model of its ES series lisplacement hoist, to allow a preater...
JACK ROBINSON SUPPLIES (Cardiff) Ltd, together with its Scottish distributors John Adams (Coach Supplies) Ltd, has introduced a...
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THE BUILDING of break-bulk depots and haulage depots in the Surrey area of the M25 perimeter would be strongly opposed by...
AN EXTENSIVE road network costing an estimated £3,300m and allowing traffic to move at a faster rate would be a major step in...
TO BAN lorries from collecting scrap off the streets would encourage "undesirables" to start their own collecting companies and...
FT IS SURPRISING that the terms of reference for the Inquiry appear to assume that banning lorries will have benefits, said Dr...
SUPERMARKETS will always be in demand, said Len Payne, distribution director of Sainsbury's. "A ban would simplv force us out...
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benefit o the community at an acceptable cost both to industry and to the xmsumer of the goods moved by lorry. This was the...
WEIGHT restrictions in the London area would penalise Berger Paints more than its rival companies, as it has more business In...
ONLY EIGHT per cent of traffic that travels through Inner London has either an origin or destination there, according to Betty...
seriously affected by any lorry weight-restrictions, said Ralph Richards, chairman of the National Association of Warehouse...
THE LEA Valley area in North-East London could be turned into a trunk road from the M25 to inner London, said John Webster,...
THE GENERAL Council of British Shipping is against any farm of lorry weight restriction in the London area, said Michael...
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CAN ADVERTISING really help the ailing bus industry? Transport managers from the Association of District Councils seem to think...
METRO-CAMMELL Weymann has won orders for another 60 double-deckers, and has a 30 per cent share of South Yorkshire PTE's next...
THE GOVERNMENT's public ex penditure plans up to 1984-5 al locate a total of over £1,300 mil lion support for public transpor...
A CALL for municipal bus operators to absorb the local service: provided by NBC subsidiaries and independents in their areas...
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STRATHCLYDE Regional Council and British Rail have failed in their bid to block another independent seeking a stage service...
WARWICKSHIRE Police have asked us to make it dear that it only requires written confirmation from the church or hirer for...
BLACKBURN'S Borough Transport has reached agreement with its drivers over the reintroduction of a change voucher system ICM...
LONDON Transport has rejected an application by a private operator to run a stage carriagecum-sightseeing tour in Central...
The buses are powered by Leyland 402 engines coupled to a fully automatic Allison AT545 four-speed gearbox. Wadham Stringer...
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DETROIT Diesel Allison is mounting a strong sales push for its latest Silver 92 range of two-stroke engines. GRAHAM MONTGOMERIE...
THE MOST efficient way to decrease fuel consumption is to increase the gross vehicle weights, according to Volvo's Bertil...
MAGIRUS-Deutz has fallen on hard times, reports our Brussels correspondent. The firm built 1,927 buses in 1980 but with orders...
STAVELY CHEMICALS is equipment is equipping its fleet of oleum (fuming sulphuric acid) carrying tankers with infra-red level...
AFTER the closure of the TFL Division of Edbro (London) ex-local managers David Evans and Phil Renno have formed their own...
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SN'T it about time that omebody took into onsideration the small firms hat are closing down every day tecause of the fact that...
AM always very grateful for ve publicity and so I was leased indeed to see a picture nd mention of the TERBERG ehicles in your...
THERE IS often intolerable parking space for lorries at motorway service areas has been placed firmly at the Government's...
I HAVE BEEN in contact with the haulage industry since I left school 10 years ago and I have noticed a considerable decline in...
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POLITICIANS whose credibility is diminished by party power struggles, probably never stood lower in public esteem....
1AM relieved to hear that the Greater London Council transport committee's choice of red as the colour to identify bus lanes...
WHILE Continental railways urge goods-vehicle operators to use piggyback services, British Rail is reported to have refused to...
LESLIE POWLES, voted Yachtsman of the Year for 1981 by the Yachting Journalists' Association, was formerly a quality-control...
BUT all is not kisses on Barnsley buses. According to the TGWU, one in three of workers has . severe marital problems because...
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IF NOTHING ELSE, the opening of Autoquip '82 at the unearthly hour of 9.30am last Sunday (March 14) gave home and overseas...
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The fifth annual CIBS symposium covered wide range of pressing issues that coach operators must battle with. Noel MiIlier len a...
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A Northampton firm has brought about a stylish marriage between the MercedesBenz 0303 rear-engined coach and Jonckheere Bermuda...
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by Stuart Bladon ALL manufacturers are struggling to improve their reputations for fuel economy, and Talbot seems to be doing...
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The non-standard insurance market was devised to help provide insurance for risks that ordinary underwriters would not wish to...
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"Lorry bans would have a devastating effect on all aspects of employment within Central London." lobs at risk n London S THE...
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The benefits of lorry ports WITH public debate in Britain of the heavy lorry question soon expected to reach a decisive stage,...