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York hauliers on the Continent

20th May 1966, Page 27
20th May 1966
Page 27
Page 27, 20th May 1966 — York hauliers on the Continent
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ON Monday, 21 hauliers from the York sub-area of the Road Haulage Association, accompanied by seven of their wives, left York for Holland, via Hull, travelling on a vessel of North Sea Ferries. They are due back on Sunday. The sub-area chairman, Mr. P. Atkinson, is leading the party. which includes the secretary, Mr. John Tate. Also with them is Mr. Les Fowler, of Aylesbury, who has a vehicle in the York area.

The visit is part of a venture for the expansion of road vehicle and container traffic between northern England and northern

Europe. In Rotterdam on Tuesday the party was met by Dutch executives from North Sea Ferries, who showed them the terminal facilities, and later there was a conference with Dutch and German road transport operators to discuss road transport links with the UK.

The British hauliers also examined possible sites in Rotterdam and Amsterdam with a view to setting up their own depot for collapsible pallet loads from Britain for their own company, Trans-European Pallets (Great Britain) Ltd., of Hull and York.