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;crimination Against Nsport, Mps Allege
)TEST at the treatment given to road lage under the Industrial Development made by Tory front bench spokesman, hony Barber, when the Commons disle measure this week. )ted that......
Vnter Wants Nnc To Ost Efficiency
tAY GUNTER, the Minister of Labour, looking to the National Negotiating ee to give a strong lead to the road industry in promoting greater efficiency arranged to be kept......
No Protective Legislation For Drivers
THIS week Mr. Leslie Spriggs (Labour St. A Helens) asked for legislation to give protectiOn against the dismissal of a driver who reported a defective lorry or any other type of......
Community To Bear Losses
THE social losses involved in the present Atransport policy are to be put "where they belong"—on the shoulders of the community. This was forecast in the Commons by Mrs. Barbara......