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Tribunal Bombshell

20th May 1966, Page 37
20th May 1966
Page 37
Page 37, 20th May 1966 — Tribunal Bombshell
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THE appeals of some of the 29 tipper haulier A members of the Mid-Southern tipping group would have to be abandoned unless the Transport Tribunal heard the combined appeal in June, said Mr. Richard Yorke, on Wednesday. He sought leave to apply for a notice of motion to speed up the delivery of the appropriate documents by the South Eastern Licensing Authority.

Mr. Yorke said the appeal would be the biggest case the Tribunal had heard in 10 years. It had taken eight months to get the lengthy public inquiry heard and it was a further two months before a decision was issued.

If the LA's office could not reproduce the documents quickly his clients would undertake to do so. Some of the small operator's work for named customers had already ceased, said counsel, and some vehicles were idle, yet they could not apply for variations until the appeal.