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Grant for football excursions upheld

20th May 1966, Page 38
20th May 1966
Page 38
Page 38, 20th May 1966 — Grant for football excursions upheld
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THE Minister of Transport has turned down

appeals by Select Coaches, Sunderland District Omnibus Co. Ltd., Northern General Transport Co. Ltd., United Automobile Services Ltd. and Durham District Services Ltd. against the decision of the Northern Traffic Commissioners in granting to Martindale's Coaches Ltd. a licence authorizing football excursions from Easington Colliery to Roker Park, Sunderland.

It was stressed by the Minister that the appellants did not produce any evidence to counter the argument advanced at the hearing that the regular stage carriage services to Roker Park were often crowded. The Minister also shared her inspector's conclusion that it was not unreasonable, for what was clearly regarded by those taking part as a social occasion, for facilities to be provided for the miners to travel as a party.