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■ rt grant to 9et export mand

20th May 1966, Page 39
20th May 1966
Page 39
Page 39, 20th May 1966 — ■ rt grant to 9et export mand
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'ART grant of two artics on A licence was made to Cawthorn and Sinclair Birtley, Co. Durham, last week by T. Hanlon, the Northern Licensing rity. The company had applied for the applicants, Mr. T. H. Campbell aw said that at the moment 12 lorries operating a service from the Sunderactory of Thome AEI, Radio Valves 'ubes Ltd. to Brimsdown, Middlesex. he grant were made the 'eight artics then do the job of the 12, which be released to take the goods from :sex• to London Docks. Thorne AEI ndeavouring to get into Europe with ()ducts and was making strenuous to increase export trade. But this was ed by a bottleneck at London Docks.

D. Hutchins, storage and producmanager of Thorne AEI, said the my supplemented southern deliveries local southern contractors and had ear increased production by 25 per This was mainly to satisfy growing I demand.

had been found difficult to obtain ent hire transport in the south to r the increases in exports to London S by the reluctance of haulage contraco "lose" too many vehicles in London S.

Hutchins said that to assist in relievthe situation Thorne AEI had lered new vehicle dimensions available the current C. and U. Regulations, redesigned the packaging to make of the larger volume now available ipplied the modification to the French :t via Cawthorn and Sinclair (France) R vehicles. The success and economies resulted had given a lead to the gs which were available on inland