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Distinctive Touch

20th May 1966, Page 53
20th May 1966
Page 53
Page 53, 20th May 1966 — Distinctive Touch
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AS so often the case with Volkswagen Commercials, the VW ambulance, which I was able to inspect in detail at a recent exhibition, is a little out of the ordinary in design. The equipment available offers the possibility of a variety of arrangements.

Because of the high floor level, resulting from the rear aircooled engine, entry for the stretchers is by way of the transverse rear door which opens downwards to provide firm support when loading. The cab is partitioned off from the saloon by a sliding glass panel and near every stretcher is an easily reached buzzer, so enabling the patient to summon assistance should there be no attendant in the ambulance compartment.

When the stretchers have been placed on the platform a locking device holds them firmly throughout the journey and until finally released. The 'interior is in creamcoloured plastic and the windows are protected by rails on the inside.