Poor start fine finish
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Glasgow event in the 1966 Lorry vet of the Year competition followed tern of the weather-overcast and d to begin with but finishing brilliantly. fact that six BRS (Parcels) Ltd. withdrew at the last moment cast a wer the event, more especially since :re present at the test area. The initial on was caused by the organizing cornaccepting eight entrants from John Sugar Transport Ltd., with only four ;.
test area at Rootes (Scotland) Ltd., id, must rank amongst the most suitthe country and certainly the Glasgow :ing committee, very capably led by . W. Kerr, Glasgow's road safety will do well to hold on to this one. reception, measuring and general ; of the area was carried out by army lel under the command of Maj. CobT (TA). The measuring party worked ilitary precision and were turning out s at the rate of one every 50 seconds. road route was well planned and the had little difficulty in fault finding. ; would be well advised to make a more study of the road route instructions re years.
usual the manoeuvring tests were the main attraction for spectators and the marshals from Apex and Babcock and Willcox Car Clubs were well briefed in their duties.
So efficient was the organization that not only were the early difficulties overcome but the event was finished by 2.30 p.m.-approximately two hours ahead of schedule.
Among those now heading for the final is Bill Delaney of Rootes (Scotland) Ltd., winner of class F(1). This is Bill's second final, having qualified last year in the North of Scotland round. Mr. Wm. Rose, of BOC Ltd., winner in class D, provided an ironic twist to the event. Previously he had intended to compete in his home base at Aberdeen, but due to the cancellation of that event he had to travel the 150 miles to Glasgow to compete and then was declared the overall winner.
One highlight of the competition was the exceptionally low penalty in the Highway Code test. J.P.B.S.
Class A-up to 16 ft. and from 20 ft.: 1. T. Graham (The Scottish Gas Board). Austin, 184 penalty points; 2, J. Johnston (Wm. Beattie Ltd.), BMC, 252; 3, D. Bell )Scottish Gas Board), Austin, 279.
Class B-18 to 19 ft.: 1, T. Boyle (John Walker Sugar Transport Ltd.), Austin, 163; 2, L. Cannella (The Scottish Gas Board), Austin. 190; 3, J. McCartney (B.O.C. Ltd.). Commer, 214.
Class C-19 to 22 ft.: 1. Cpl. P. Mailley IR.C.T. (TA)), Bedford. 255; 2. J. Cosgrove (The Scottish Gas Board), Karrier, 275; 3. J. Templeton (Rawallan Creamery Ltd.) Ford. 300.
Class D-22 to 25 ft.: 1, W. Rose 113.0.C. Ltd.), Austin, 1202. S. Irvine 15PD Ltd.), BMC, 132: 3. R. Macklin (SPD Ltd.), BMC, 170.
Class 9(1)-over 25 ft. 2 isles: 1, T. Cloughley (Scottish Brewers Ltd.). ERF, 335; 2. G. Mitchell !Glasgow Corp.). S and D, 335: 3. J. Pollock (Scottish Brewers Ltd.). ERF, 403.
Class E(2)-over 25 ft. more than 2 axles: 1, C. Boyle (John Walker Sugar Transport Ltd.). Foden. 331: 2, J. Ward (Flowallan Creamery Ltd.), Leyland, 375: 3, A. Muir (John Walker Sugar Transport Ltd.), Foden, 395, Claim FM-Artie. Trective units under 4 tone flat or sided semi-trailer up to 38 ft.: 1, W. Delaney (Rootes Scotland Ltd.). Commer, 216: 2, V. Cannon (John Walker Sugar Transport Ltd.), Albion, 230; 3, J. K. Johnston (British Rail), Kerner. 273.
Class F(21-Artic. Tractive units under 4 tons, box or tanker serni-traller up to 38 ft.: 1, J. Deckie (Regent Oil Co. Ltd.), Bedford, 206; 2, J. M. Monson (India Tyres), Commer. 1192.
Class G-Artic. Tractive unit over 4 tons fiat or sided semi-trailer up to 38 ft.: 1. G. Allan (Silver Roadways Ltd.), Foden, 625; 2, D. Fairweather (Silver Roadways Ltd.), Fader.. 630.
Class H-Box or Tanker, semi-trailer with tractive units 4 tons or over: 1, G. Hudson (B.O.C. Ltd.), Foden, 435; 2, D. Crawford, Jnr. (Shell and BP (Scotland) Ltd.), Scammell, 486.
Champion Driver: W. Rose (B.O.C. Ltd.), Aberdeen.
Best A. aril:I-licence Driver: J. K. Johnstone (British Rail).
Team Award: SPD Ltd. (S. Irvine, R. Macklin, P. Green).