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Brief Details of the Various Bodies to be Exhibited, Amongst which Attractive Passenger-carrying Models will be Given Prominence.
IN CONNECTION with the commercial vehicle shows at Olympia we have always felt that the bodywork section did not receive the attention which the varied nature of the exhibits merited. It may be remembered that, on the occasion of the last Show, an arrangement was made whereby the stands occupied by the bodybuilders were interspersed with those of the chassis makers. At previous Shows invidious distinction had been created by keeping the positions of the coachbuilders and chassis builders apart, and it was felt that this did not result in the bodywork exhibits receiving adequate attention.
One of the greatest arguments in favour of linkingup the stands of bodymakers and chassis builders is that the former serve a dual purpose by 'drawing attention not only -le the bodywork but also to the chassis upon which if is mounted.
Since the last comMercial vehicle Show' washeld a number of striking advances in connection With passenger vehicles have been recorded, although in the matter of van and lorry body design there are few notable departures to which we can call sPecific attention. The improvements in the design of passengercarrying bodies have, as the various exhibits will portray, been directed to increasing tlre comfort and convenience of the passengers, and in this matter we feel that there is still room for More co-Operation between chassis designers and body-builders.
James Bartle and Co., Ltd.
Stand 32
TE IS company have paid considerable attention to the construction or high-class bodies fo: i!sassenger carrying, and examples ..s1 their coachbuilding, which fall under 'this heading will occupy much space on the stand. There will be two nusef md a‘rnotor coach on view, the fourth exhibit being a 2i-ton combination tank and petrol-can lorry.
Dealing with the passenger vehicles, the first is a 16 seatersingle-deck bus body mounted on a Guy chassis, which has Michelin tmeurnaties tyre-s end wheels. This vehicle is arranged for operation by one man, the safety, door at the front being undertheg control of the driver. An exit for use in emergency is arranged at the rear.
An 18-seater bus which will be shown isi also arranged for one-man control, and in this case the Burford chassis of the forward-dash type is used to carry the body. On both of these buses ths upholstery is carried out in leather, and garden spring seats are employed, the cushions being removable. Each vehicle is also fitted with automatic balanced windows, which enable the buses to be employed all the year round without discomfort to the passengers. The 18-seater has has been built to the order of the Great Western Railway.
The-20.seater coach body on a Lancia chassis is an excellent example of high-class. coachbuil ding. The body is of the hulbeue type, and it is luxuriously upholstered in antique leather. The special type of Bartle hood is fitted, and it may he recalled that in this patented method provision is made for the individual hood fittings, which act as supports for the covering, to be folded neatly down behind the seat framen-ork when they are not in use.
A Dennis chassis is employed for mounting the combination tank and petrol-can biwly. which consists of two compaxtsilents wherein '40n gallons of fuel can be conveniently disposed. As is usual, a fire-screen is built between the driver's cab and the tank to conform with the requirements of the law.
Bayieys, Ltd.
Stand 125
ESTABLISHED as long ago as 1797, the exhibit of Bayleys, Ltd., will consist of a box van body, which is suitable, with slight modification, for a commercial traveller's use or for ordinary delivers work The superstructure con
sista of oak and ash framework, to which is fitted panels of Honduras mahogany. In the building of the body proper turn-under is given at the aides arid at the rear. The tipper panels are painted a cream shade, the. lower panels being green. The body is of very neat design, and, although there is nothing fanciful in its construction tastefully lettered it could be made a most attractive advertising medium.
Bunyan Shield and Hood Co., Ltd.
Stand 127
TW' passenger models will figure on this Wolverhampton concerns stand, these being a I6-seater bus in which the 30-cwt. Guychassis is employed, and a 16-seatsr char-hbanes. That the body of the bus is of extremely light construction can be gathered from the fact that the total weight of the vehicle is under 2 tons, although it must not be thought that this has been effected at the expense of rigid construction. for the body is well framed up.
The ehar-a-banes is fitted with a new type of disappearing, back screen, which can be fitted to each seat, and it is also provided with a one-man hood of the spring type and side curtains, which open with the doors on the near side.
Chelsea Carriage Works.
Stand 39
COMMERCIALNEHICLE users who are interested in passenser-vehiele development will find on the stand which will be occupied by this company a 141-seater motor-coach body mounted on a Linic chassis and three-quarter lamiaulet taxicab body on a chassis of the same make. Both these morlefe are typical examples of modern passenger-vehicle bodies, and are attractively finished. • The third exhibit will -be a van in which the 30-cwt. Beardmore chassis will be seen carrying a well-finished body, which is suitable for tradesmen and others whose requirements are met by a speedy transport unit.
Chelsea Motor Building Co., Ltd.
Stand 81
WE believe that on of this company's exhibits will form the only traveller's showroom which is to be displayed. This body, an idea of the interior--equipment of which can be gathered from our illustration, will be mounted on trestles, and it is being built for a well-known firm of chocolate ma‘nufaeturers, It. is -so coastrusted that it can be used as a travelling showrobrn and office. The near side is taken up with a, largecabinetfitted with a counter, 26 drawers, 96 pigeon-holes and four clipboards, whilst at the forward end is a fall-down writing table: The lxkly has a clerestory roof, and, in order to make it noise-Proof, it, is panelled both inside and outside. The interior decoration is carried out in figured oak in the best shop-fitting style, and the body Certainly represents a particularly high-clasS production, which should merit considerable attention.
The passenger-vehicIS activities of the company will. be represented by a 20-seater orreenan-contrelled bus body meunted on a 24-ton Renault chassis and a I7-seater oneman-controlled bus body mounted on a 30.-cwt. Guy chassis. The main features of the bodies of these vehicles are identical, with the exception that, in the smaller vehicle, adjustable ventilating lights are provided above the fixed side nnndows. Each of these vehicles has a particularly safe type of en-trance, the front door having a low step, which is located
inside the bock* width. The seating in these bodies is arranged in the orthodox style, seats to take two passengers being disposed on each side of a central gangway.
Christopher Dodson, Ltd.
Stand 29 A COMPREHENSIVE array of bodywork composed of fivo .41Lseparate exhibits will be shown on this coachbuilder's stand, these being four buses and an example of the Chars
• bus, which is really a coach and bus in one. , A single-deck bus body to seat 36 passengers will be shown on a Thornycroft forward-dash type chassis, a 20-seater saloon body on a 2i-ton Dennis chassis this vehicle being arranged for one-man control, a double-deck bus body on a Leyland chassis, and a similar body mounted on a Dennis chassis, both of these bodies being arranged to seat 48 passengers, and being constructed to comply with the requirements of Scotland Yard authorities. Each of these buses is equipped with a standard C.A.V. lighting set.
The normal seating capacity of the body of the Charabus to be shown is 24, but this can be increased to 42. it is designed so as to permit a vehicle to find employment all the year round being, as it is, rapidly convertible from an open. type body to an all-weather body.
• Hazeldine and Norton.
Stand 126
PTITIE two bodies to be shown on this stand will give ade quate indication of the workmanship of the coachwork of the company. One is a box body mounted on a 15-cwt. chassis, and it is turned under at the sides and the rear. This body is designed for the accommodation of stores and, as such, should make particular appeal to small tradesmen who require a light, roomy body of pleasing design The year of the driver's seat is boarded up to provide a totally enclosed body, but a 'sliding door is fitted in order to give.
ready access to the interior from the cab. The loading capacity of the interior is 145 cubic feet. The body is constructed of oak framing, the sides and rear being compa,ssed and fitted with ply-metal panels, which give a perfectly flat surface with an absence of waves. The 13.9 h.p. Renault chassis will be used to carry this product of the company.
The other exhibit will he a body designed for carrying general merchandise and built for utilitarian service. It will be mounted on a 2k-ton Tilling-Stevens chassis. The body and cab are constructed in one, the dashboard being fitted with a mahogany railed windscreen. The driver's seat is cornfort-ably upholstered, and the oak framing of the superstructure is auitably strengthened with ironwork to give the necessary rigidity without undue weight. The roof is covered with good quality cloth, strained on and fastened with mouldin,gs.
Duple Bodies and Motors, Ltd.
Stand 17
CONVERTIBLE bodies, will form the chief exhibit of this %,,J company, the various bodies being mounted on a DurantRugby chassis-. A main portion is used as the .basis of each of the bodies, and its design is such as to simplify the construction of the separate attachments. The use of the Duple convertible bodies enables a single vehicle to be converted into a two-seater, five-seater, van, .lorry, shooting brake, hearse and traveller's brougham. The body is framed up in ash and panelled with aluminium throughout.
Another exhibit on the stand will be a chars-van, which, as the name implies, is a body of a type which enables a 14seater coach to be opnverted into an ordinary trade delivery .rau: For this purpose all the seats behind that of the driver are made to be detached. When used as a van a small cape hood is fitted for protecting the driver's position
J. Liversidge and Son, Ltd.
Stand 103
AN excellent illustration of the publicity value of a motor vehicle will be seen on this stand in the form of a 25-cwt. Austin chassis carrying a special type of body which resembles a Gargantuan, example of the tin in which J. Mackintosh and
Sons, Ltd., put up their well-known toffee, The construction of the body is a faithful representation of the ordinary tin, with which it is identical in the matter of colouring.
The other exhibit to be shown by the company will he a van body mounted on a 20-cw& Albion chassis on pneumatic tyres, this being to the order of William Whiteley, Ltd., the universal providers of London.
Hickman Body Building Co., Ltd.
Stand 110
THE Hickman all-weather passenger body, mounted on a 45-cwt. S.P.A. chassis, will be well to the fore on the stand occupied by this company. The design of the body follows the best coach lints, the sides having a large contraction of 22 ins, to the driver's screen, which gives a narrow hinge line to the coach door on the left side. The near-side and top corners of the body are rounded, and a turn-under is given to the sides and the rear.
The all-weather arrangarnent is quite simple. The body has hoop sticks across the top of each pair of aide pillars only, and two reinforced longitudinal members complete the 017
foundation for the loose cover, which extends from the driver's sornen4to the rear of the body. It is fixed by means of straps at each side pillar and three straps access the front. To convert the vehicle to its open guise the loose cover is, rolledback and folded neatly across the closed rear section of the body, where it is strapped down.
The side windows are mounted on the company's patent rattle-proof fittings, and can be adjusted to any desired height. The skeleton framework of this body is particularly rigid.
The Hickman 48-seater London-type bus body will also be on view, The general lines of the body are very pleasing, and features. worthy of note are the substantial turn-under given to the side pillars, which prevents the lower panels from being damaged or scratched, the inset top deck, and the method of framing-up which gives the maximum interior capacity after meeting the requirements of the law in the matter of overall width.
The company's patent method of forming and reinforcing all joints in order to reduce weight-and to secure increased strength are practical features which should receive attention. The seats in this type body are of an entirely near pattern and provide the maximum of comfort. The interior of the body is polished and the general trimmings an carried out in good quality moquette.
London Lorries, Ltd.
Stand 15
THERE will be three exhibits on this company's stand, these being a 24-seater .quadruple-pus-pose all:weather saloon on a 2-2-ton long wheelbase Dennis chassis, an 18seater body of a similar type also being shown on a G.M.C. chassis, and a standard 14-seater char-a-banes body on a 1-ton Chevrolet chassis. In the quadruple-purpose design, each side of the body is fitted with plated -metal work which accommodatea frameless lights in both raised and lowered positions, foolproof window lifts being fitted. The whole unit can be quickly. lowered into a recess between the inner and lower panels, an lies perfectly level with the top-fence rail. The folding headwork, which is of Beatonson pattern, is a separate unit, and is composed of a series of tubular hoop-sticks, which run along the top rails thereof. The seats in the 24. seater are of the deluxe type and sumptuously upholstered in antique leather, all the fittings being nickel-plated. In the 18seater body Bowden patent spring seats are incorporated.
W. and T. Robson, Ltd.
Stand 81 ltirOST enterprising users to-day appreciate the adverI.V_Ltising value of the motorvan, but any of those who ehould be in doubt on this point should make a note to call at the stand of this exhibitor, whereon will be shown a . particularly attractive boxvan, in which the side panels
nave been adequately employed to produce the best publicity effect. The sepea-structure is of the usual form, but the panels are of mahogany and the design on the sides fowls a true replica in colours of the original packet of special
Nosegay tobacco. That this design has been faithfully carried out can be clearly observed from the illustration which we reproduce on this page. The dimensions of this body, which is mounted on a 20-25-cwt. Vulcan chassis, are : 8 ft. long behind the driver's nab, 4 ft. 8 ins. wide, 5 ft. 3 ins. high, the latter dimension being taken from the top of the floorboards to the under-roof rib in the centre.
The other exhibit of this company will he a tilt van body with tailboard and canvas curtains at the rear, and it will be mounted on a 30,-cwt. chassis.
Spurting Motor Bodies, Ltd.
Stand 11
THERE are to . be three exemples of the class of bodywork turned out by this company exhibited, these being a tipping hotly with drop sides on a 1-ton Chevrolet chassis a traveller's brougham on a Buick chassis, and a generalpurpose delivery van on a similar chassis.
The tipping body is constructed of oak, and the bolsters are fixed to runners with capping irons. The driver's cab has high side doors, and the back of it is constructed of tongued and grooved wood covered with sheet steel. The body is tipped,on 34.11 ordinary vertical screw, and the angle of tip is controlled by a handle. The dimensions of the body are : 8 ft. 3 ins. .long (behind driver's cab), 5 ft. 3 ins.
wide, the sides being 20 ins. deep. .
The traveller's brougham is an attractive little job, the superstructure being builtup of ash, which is covered with Sundeala side panels, the corner panels being of beaten steel.. Long vestibule doors are made to open on either side of the cab, which also has drop, frameless lights. Ample provision is made for the accommodation of traveller's aaaaples, the body dimensions being 5 ft. 5 ins long and the maximum width 4 ft. 2 ins, A wide door is fitted in the rear panel, and it is provided with a Yale lock. The.. general-purpose van isframed up of ash and has Plymax panels. The chief dimensions of this body are 5 ft. 10 ins, long, 4 ft. 2 me, wide, and 4 ft. 3 ins. high.
Willowbrook Motor Co.
Stand 121
0,NE example only of this company's one-man-controlled Vieorporakion-type saloon bust body, mounted on a Guy 30-cwt, chassis, will be shown-. This body includes all the latest improvements in design. Entrance to the passenger compartment is by way of a sliding and folding door at the front. The seats themselves are vcelI sprung and upholstered and have back squabs, ample space being left between the seats to give adequate leg-room. The windows areframeless lights, which run in Beclaseat silent channels, and they are fitted with the latest-type balancing device. The interior of the bus is fitted with -electric lighting, hand-rails and a railway saloon-type parcels-rack. The body panelling is carried out in steel, which is lined with mahogany, and the floorboards are covered with. polished linoletim. A rail runs round the sides of the roof, so that luggage can be carried, and a ladder is fitted in a convenient position on the side of the bits so that tbe roof can readily be reached.
Strachan and Brown.
Stand 24
THERE will be one or two interesting features worthy of special attention on the 50-seater double-deck bus body mounted on a. Thornycroft chassis, which is to form part of the exhibit of Messrs. Strachan and Brown.
A saloon bus body will also be shown, and this production is to be mounted on a 40 h.p. Dennis chassis. Tide design of body will incorporate the company's patented roll top roof in which a series of. abated sections are disposed on each aids of the body. If it is desired to open any or all of these sections, they can be rolled up into a longitudinal housing which
extends from the front to the rear of the 'body. Each of these actions slides along channels cut in the roof ribs, special drip channels being employed to ensure that the roof is entirely weatherproof when closed. The third exhibit of this well-known coachbuilding concern will be a saloon coach body on a Guy chassis. This is a 20seater body which is so constructed that it can find all-theyear-round employment. It is a two-purpose body in every sense of the term, and can provide comfort and convenience to passengers in both the summer and winter months. The new design of drop windows should receive attention, as should the special springing on which the body is independently , mounted. The' method of suspending a passenger body as adopted by Messrs. Straehan and Brown is entirely new. It consists, in the main, of a series of laminated springs, in which the spring brackets are bolted to the outsidea of the chassis frame members.
John Buckingham, Ltd.
Stand 122 At the time of closing this issue for press we had not • received details of (his Birmingham Co.'s exhibits, although we presume that, as on the occasion of past. commercial. vehicle Shows, examples of the various types of bus and coach bodies which they build will he on view.