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T HERE IS still a great deal of misunderstanding concerning the question of the *licence duty to be paid on the six-wheeled...
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Very little from Ireland. And hopes, and hopes and hears. Of schedules being passed round. That all mileages are not...
Jinks drove a steam wagon ; Rinks a p - etroI. Each thought his type was the only t and they never met without an exchange of...
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" lhe wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, its a carriage is by the...
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MHERE COMES a, time when most commercial vehicle users require to obtain some replacement or spare part. which is needed with...
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Neatly pesigned 20-25-cwt. Chassis at a Competitive Price. Unit-constructed Engine, Clutch and Gear-box, and Duplex Rear-wheel...
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The Carrosserie-Latymer Tractor-lorry Fitted with a Single-deck Bus Body, Four-wheel Steering and Pneumatic Brakes. I T IS...
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Last week in our review, of the new products which have emerged from the factories of our 'British commercial vehicle builders...
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Brief Details of the Various Bodies to be Exhibited, Amongst which Attractive Passenger-carrying Models will be Given...
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What is to be Exhibited by the Principal Makers. N OT LEAST in importance amongst the means of trans. pore exhibited will be...
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A Description of the Sentinel Vacuum Brake which is now Standard Equipment on the Super-Sentinel Six-wheeler. Vi A NY CLOSE...
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A Guide for Buyers of Goods and Passenger Vehicles. Essential Chassis Details Presented in a Compact Form. T HE tabulated...
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Details of a Test Run of 55 Miles, with a Big Load over Exceptionally Hilly Country, on a Super-Sentinel. A T THE . invitation...
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W HAT many visitors will certainly consider the most interesting exhibit will be the Carrimore tractor-bus, with its steering...
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What Is to be Shown by British and Foreign Makers of Petrol, Steam and Electric Vehicles which are Suitable for a Variety of...
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A Brief Survey of the Vehicles and Appliances of Outstanding Interest. in the following pages brief _details are given of the...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver, and Repairer. I N THIS series of...
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M AN THOUSANDS of Calmer Cars are in active service, not only in this country, but throughout the world, and there is...
A MOST interesting type of advertising vehicle, which is also capable of carrying goods, has recently been built for the Gray's...
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The Continuation and Conclusion of an Article Begun in Last Week's Issue Dealing with the Means for Reducing the Cost of Boiler...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and o Avoid Trouble. 452, – Protecting Albion Brake Rods. The...
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Useful Hints from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. A N EXPRESSION of opinion c oncerning brakes comes Ito us in a letter from...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patents. A N INTERESTING type of awashplate engine, which operates on the two-stroke cy'cle, is...