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A Brief Survey of the Vehicles and Appliances of Outstanding Interest.
in the following pages brief _details are given of the chief exhibits of municipal vehicles and appliances 'at the Show at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington, London, N. In these references 11.11. and G.H. in parentheses signify Main Halt .and. Gilbey Hall respectively.
G. R. Archer and Co.
G. R. Archer and Co., Road Broom Factories, Upper Edmon
ton, London, N. Stand t, Row D (M.I1.)
Iaddition te exhibiting hand and machine road broonis, ushea ear motor-sweeping maehinee tar brushes, etc., this concern will .N showing the latest model of the International motor-sweeping machine. This machine is mounted on a Ford 1-ton chassis with oversize wheels, to which the brush gear, water tank, and special body are attached. The brush gives a sweeping track of 6 ft., and is driven by roller chains and pinions. Only two levers are required to pontrol the brush—one for lifting and lowering and the other for adjusting it to conform with the surface of the road. The brush is 24 ins, in diameter and is rotated at a speed suitable for efficient sweeping results at 8 m.p.h. A sprinkler gear is else provided. The turning circle of this machine is 30 ft. An interesting feature of the exhibit will be the actual mannfacture of brushes on the stand.
• Armstrong-Whitworth.
Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 38-39, Par liament Street, London, S.W.1. Stand 19, Row C (MAL)
HIS old-estabished engineering concern will, as usual, A_ have an exhibit of.more than ordinary interest to those concerned with road Making. The exhibits represent only a few examples of this company's very extensive range. The Armstrong-Whitworth quick-release, light road roller will be shown,. which is designed particularly for work on asphalt and bituminous carpeting. In this machine the divided rollers are arranged in tandem, and a differential gear is incorporated. Distribution of weight has been carefully studied, and the mechine is designed for rapid rolling with a perfectly smooth surface finish. The locomotive-type boner supplies steam to a double-cylinder engine with Stephenson link motion, and ill the controls are grouped coneeniently. The drive is transmitted by spur and chain gearing to one of the rollers, the engine being mounted on top of the boiler.
Aveling and Porter.
Aveling and Porter, Ltd., Rochester. Stand 7, Row C. (M.H.)
111HIS concern has been famous for the manufacture of road -L roller for very many years. The exhibits will include a compound steam road roller, a motor roller driven by an oil engine, and a patented verge cutter. The steam roller to be shown is the F type, and has compound piston-valve engine. This is supplied with steam from a boiler Of the Belpaire type. One of the features of this machine is that the roller wheel rims are renewable. A tai sprayer, brush and gritter will he shown attached to the roller, supplied from a tax tank, which is heated by a coil fed with steam from the boiler. A feed pump is used to send the tar to the spray, under _pressure.
The motor roller is of the three-wheel type, and is driven by a single-cylinder motor engine. This unit can be arranged to/operate on petrol, paraffin, or crude oil, and the controls are conveniently placed. Cast-steel gearing is used throughout the transmission and two speeds are provided which function in both directions. The reverse is effected by means of a simple chitch. Renewable rims are provided on the wheels and power hand and foot, brakes are fitted.
Blackstone and Co., Ltd., Stamford. Stand 13, Row A (6.11.)
ONE of the most noteworthy exhibits of this concern will be the Blackstone oil engine, which will start from cold on paraffin without any exterior heating. This is effected 'by spraying the paraffin into the cylinder at the end of the compression stroke and igniting a portion of it, by means of an electric spark. The ports are so arranged that the mixture will readily ignite when the engine is cold. The compressed air used for, spraying the fuel ie, supplied by a compressor driven by the engine crankshaft and charging a reiervoir, which is used when starting from cold.
A caterpillar tractor shown by this concern is driven by a three-cylinder vertical engine operated on the above principle and self-starting from any position. This features malres it unnecessary to keep the engine idling when the tractor is stationary, and cranking is dispensed with. Three speeds and reverse are provided, a direct drive being obtained at normal ploughing speeds. The steering is effected by a controlled differential which alters the relative speeds of the two tracks. -a
Barford and Perkins.
Barford and Perkins, Ltd., Peterborough.
Stand 6, Row C (M.N.)
THE"products 'if this concern include a very wide range of motor road rollers, which will be well represented by the exhibits shown. These will comprise three-wheel and tandem types of water-ballast roller, and a three-wheel light footpath roller. In addition, a four-tyne scarifier will be shown designed in .accordance with the Thackray-Barford patent. Both the water-ballast rollers are of the heavy variety and are fitted with awnings and two brakes. The three-wheel roller weighs 12 tons empty and 14i tone with ballast, and it is driven by a 30-35 b.h.p. four-cylinder paraffin engine. Three forward and two reverse speeds are provided. The tandem roller weighs 8 tons emptyeand 9e tons with ballast, being driven by a 20-22 b.h.p. paraffin engine, Both rollers will be shown provieed with water tanks and sprinkling pipes. The footpath roller weighs 36 cwt., and is driven by a.10 b.h.p. paraffin engine. A number of each of these machines has been already supplied to various corporations throughout the country.
Eddison Steanr Rolling Co., Ltd., Dorchester.
Stand 10, Row C (M.H.)
Yr HIS company have had a very lengthy experience in the work of road-rolling, specializing in sending appliances on hire to localities throughout the United Kingdom. The advantages of the hire system are appreciated by many authorities„ especially from the point of view of maintenance. In addition, surveyors have the choice of a large number of vehicles, etc., of various capacities, and can be sure that the machines hired are in thorough working order.
The EcIdison Steam Rolling Co. Ltd., own a fleet of over .150 machines. Two of 'these will be shown on the stand, namely, an 8-ton Aveling and Porter steam road roller, fitted with a patent scarifier' and one of the latest quick-reverse
tandem road rollers of the same make.
Electricars, Ltd., 47, Seymour Place, London, W.I.
Stand 4, Row B (M.H.)
THE exhibit of this concern will consist of two machines only, viz., an electric ref use-collecting wagon of the latest type and a smaller wagon intended for general utility. work in and about industrial plants, etc. The larger vehicle is equipped with Edison accumulators of 300 ampere-hours capacity, housed under the bonnet, and embodies several interesting features. The frame is built up of ash and steel plates, with solid-drawn tubular steel cross-members. The transmission is effected by two series-wound electric motors, supported on brackets outside the frame members. These drive the rear wheels independently through internal spur gearing and bevel gearing, the whole of the transmission mechanism being enclosed and running in oil. Ball bearings are used throughout. The tipping gear is electrically operated, giving an angle of 40 to 50 degrees to the all-steel
galvanized body. A patented system of, control is used, designed to prevent the possibility of burned contacts. The smaller vehicle shown is also fitted with a steel tipping body of 50 cubic feet capacity. This machine is capable of carrying a load of one ton, and embodies an all-enclosed transmission. The battery is of the nickel-iron type.
William Foster and Co., Ltd., Wellington Foundry, Lincoln.
Stand 4, Row H (M.N.)
TH"William Foster and Co. will be showingonly one of their products, this being the standard 5-6-ton steam wagon, which is mounted an rubber tyres. This wellknown over-type vehicle is provided with a compound engine which can be converted to double high pressure when starting a heavy load or climbing a particularly severe gradieet. Steam is supplied by a locomotive-tyee boiler fitted with a Belpaire firebox, the working pressure being210 lb. per square inch. Both a continuous action feed pump and an injector are fitted, the water tank having a capacity of 160 gallons. The transmission consists of duplicated steel pinions providing two speed ratios, and a roller chain which transmits the drive to the back-axle differential. This unit can be locked if required. Three speeds are optional at an extra charge. The steel wheels are provided with solidrubber tyres.
.T-An Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., Leeds.
Stand 1, Row G (MX.)
TR% old-established concern has n a enviable reputation for road-making machinery, and their productions will be well represented by the exhibits. These will comprise an 8-10-ton motor road roller; an 8-ton compound steam road roller, an Allen patent scarifier, the latest Hercules cempound convertible steam tractor and road rol!er with rapid change-over device, and the Fowler concrete mixer.
The motor road roller will be shown fitted with the patented forecarriage head. It is driven by an overheadvalve four-cylinder petrol engine, to which ,a, paraffin vaporizer can be fitted, if required. Rapid reverse is obtained by an epicyclic gear, the final drive being by spur wheels. Efficient Ferodoeined brakes are provided. By means of water ballast in the front rollers and a rear tank, the weight of the machine can he increased by about 2 tons. The oompcnuid steam road roller will be shown fitted with an entirely new Jackson patent scarifier, shown for the first time. This and the Allen patent scarifier are sure to attract considerable attention.
The convertible tractor and roller will be shown as a tractor and is designed. to comply with the new Light Locomotives Act, Regulations. Rubber tyres are fitted to the front and rear wheels. The complete reversion to a road roller can be effected in less than three hours by two men, the only lifting gear required being a screw-jack for the rear wheels. The type of -Fowler concrete mixer to be shown is capable of turning out 7 cub. ft. in a batch and is equipped with a paraffin engine and power loader. The design is specially arranged for long life, with minimum wear and tear.
Thomas Green and Son, Ltd., Smithfield Ironworks, Leeds.
Stand 4, Row G (M.H.)
11 year the exhibit of the company will comprise a
10-ton 10-ton
compound steam road roller, a 7e-ton motor road roller, and three types of scarifier. The steam road roller is designed on conventional lines, with worm eand wheel chain-operated steering. The compound steam engine is mounted on top -of the horizontal boiler, this and the driver being protected by a steel canopy.
The motor roller is of the tandem type, one of the rollers being mounted on a forecarriage, while the other. is driven by means of a roller chain. The controls are handily situated, and the driver has a clear view in both directiens. The 4-tyne scarifier to be shown is equipped with four wheels, two of which are mounted on a pivoted forecarriage which is controlled by a worm and wheel steering gear. This is an extremely sturdy and useful machine. The other two scarifiers are the 2-tyne tiller steering type and a 2-tyne machine constructed under the Allen patent.
Haulage Improvements and Construction, Ltd., Granville House, Arundel Street, London, W.C.2,
Stand 3, Row A (6.11.)
EVERAL interesting examples of the range of
vehicles will be shown, the exhibits comprising a tanktrailer and a light model 20-30-cwt. road truck. The tanktrailer is fitted with a D-section tank, which will hold 1,200 gallons of fuel oil. The road truck has a platform -of 9 ft. by 5 ft. and is 'designed for use with light motor lorries and vans. No reduction in .permissible speed is imposed when this trailer is used if the unladen weight of the towing unit is less than 2 tons. Both the vehicles embody patented features-, such as the double-acting shoek-preventing draught gear and the helical spring suspension.
Holt Caterpillar.
Caterpillar Tractors, Ltd., 36-37, Queen Street, London, E.C.4. Stand 31, Row A (G.A.)
A S the sole representatives of the Holt Manufacturing Co., .11, Incorporated, this concern will be showing a 2-ton and 5-ton Holt tractor. In addition a number of photographs will be displayed portraying various branches of public work for which these tractors are suitable. The larger caterpillar tractor is driven by an overhead-valve four-cylinder -Holt petrol engine of 25 hp., and three forward speeds and a reverse are provided. The engine is governed by an enclosed mechanism to a maximum speed of 1,050 r.p.m. Two steering clutches are provided to transmit the power to the cater pillar tracks, the operation of which enables the driver to turn the machine in its own length. The tracks are driven by spur gearing, which is totally enclosed, and are carried on roller frames. Brakes of the external-contracting type are provided, and the tractor can be used as a stationary power unit, driving machinery by -belt from a power pulley placed at the rear, which runs at 1,010 r.p.m.
The 2-ton tractor is of much the same design, the motor in this case having an, output of 15 h.p. Both machines are constructed with the best materials, and should stand up to the hard work imposed by average farming conditions.
Lure Motor Car Co., Ltd., Works Road, Letchworth, Herts.
Stand 2, Row B (M.H.)
THE Lacre exhibit will comprise an L-type motor road sweeper and a 2-ton tipping wagon. The road sweeper has met with considerable success and is used by many municipalities, features being the low first cost and operating charget, the great width of sweep, and the smell turning circle and consequent ease in handling. The machine is mounted on three wheels and provision is made for replacing the brush with either a scraper, a squeegee, or a snowplough. The two front wheels are used for steering add the. single rear wheel is driven by a 12-15 h.n. four-cylinder petrol engine thrtiugh the medium of a clutch and gearbox. Counterweights support the brush, which is controlled from the driver's seat. The brush is 7 ft. 6 ins, in length and is driven by a totally enclosed chain drive. The Lacre tipping wagon of 2 tons to 4 tons capacity is mounted on a 30 h.p. chassis. Various types of body can be obtained, the most usual being a timber-built lorry body with hinged detachable sides and tailboard. A sheet-steel liner and extension boards are provided. The Lacre gravity hand-operated tipping gear is fitted, which is of simple design and rapid in operation.
Lafily (England) Co., 14, Addison Avenue, London, W.11. Stand I, Row B A WIDE range of Laftly products will be shown, including a road-sweeping machine, a combined watering and sweeping machine, a watering and washing machine with tipping body, a gully emptier, and an oil-driven road roller. In addition, a portable motor fire-pump, a 3-ton chassis, a fire-engine, a narren 1-ton trailer, and the .Spines vacuum cleaning apparatus will be shown. The street-cleaning machines shown have met with considerable success and are of modern design.
The gully emptier consists of a motorcar chassis carrying a suction pump, two watering-boxes, and a cylindrical tank with two compartments, one section containing water for swilling the emptied gully and the other being provided for holding the sludge. .Security tanks are inserted on the air pipes, which connect each compartment to the pump; 35 cub. ft. of refuse can be dealt with per minute, and the pump is very powerful. The machine can also be used for street watering, in this cast both tanks being filled with water.
The oil road roller to be shown weighs 20 tons and is fitted with three brakes. Sufficient water and fuel can be 'carried for a week's work and the transmission is entirely by gearwheels. A very quick reverse Id provided.
The portable motor fire-pump is mounted on two wheels and can be towed behind another vehicle. Seven thousand seven hundred gallons per hour is guaranteed, but 10,000 gallons can be obtained, if necessary. The powerful motor fire-engine to be shown is the Laffiy-S.O.M.I.T.A. mounted on a 3-ten chassis, with a capacity of 26,500 .gallons per hour at 13 lb. pressure, or 13,250 at 26 lb. pressure. The tank capacity is 90 'gallons, and the reel carries 440 yards of hose. The machine is driven by a four-cylinder overhead% sive engine.
Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Britannia Works, Gains, borough. Stand 8, Row A (M.H.) rpHE Marshall exhibit will comprise two types of 8-ton steam road roller and a compound steam tractor. The Millers-Marshall 8-ton roller is fitted with a quick reverse and is primarily intended for tarmacadam and bittuninous road carpets. The vertical multi-tubular boiler is mounted on a rigid frame and provides steam at 150 lb. pressure to a double-cylinder horizontal engine. The mechanism is completely enclosed add 'acleqUately lubricated. The power is transmitted by heavy machine-cut spur, gearing.
The Marshall steam road roller to be shown is fitted wih a Compound piston valve engine and a horizontal boiler with a working pressure of 180 lb. A feature is the simplified radial link motion employt.xl for reversing, in which only one eccentric and rod are required per cylinder. Absolute interchangeability of all the parts is guaranteed.
The compound steam tractor is designed for light haulage and economical running. Radial valve gear, of the type already mentioned,. is used, and the gear chains which transmit the power run in oil baths. Two speeds are provided.—EAt the moment of going to press we learn thatthis tractor may be Withheld.—ED.1
Oxford Steam Plough Co., Ltd., Cowley, Oxford.
Stand 1, Row H (MIL) ITIDIS concern is well known for the manufacture of road
rollers, tractors, wagons, etc., and the exhibits are designed to show how repairs and replacements can be efficiently and rapidly effected. An interesting exhibit is the rebuilt engine of a 10-ton roller, which embodies many modern improvements. The roller itself is .shown fitted with a 2-tine Allen scarifier.
The convebtible 5-ton Garretttractor, which can be changed over to form an 8-ton roller, will also, be shown, this being a particularly useful machine. Amongst the other exhibits will be an improved type of water-cart for road rollers, the Allen patent scarifier, steel-plated roller wheels, spare parts water-gauge fittings and injectors, etc.
Robey and 'Co., Ltd., Globe Works, Lincoln.
Stand 5, Row D (ME). IrilHIS famous manufacturing concern, whose products _L cover a very wide range of road-making •machinery and engines of all types, will show three interesting exhibits,
the 6-7-ton new model steam wagon, a 7-ten tandem road roller with rapid reverse, and a portable Robey stone breaker.
The steam wagon is of overtype design, the compound engine being fitted on top of the locomotive-type boiler; three speeds are provided, the final drive being by chain to the rear wheels. This wagon is capable of towing a trailer loaded to 3 tons in addition to its own load. Rubber tyres are fitted to all wheels, the normal speed without trailer being 12 m.p.h. Reverse is obtained by the Stephensod link motion, and the compound engine is of accessible and, modern design. The transmission gearing includes machine-cut teeth and a roller chain. The steering gear is of the worm quadrant type, running on a specially con strueted large ball bearing. Efficient brakes are provided. This machine is of somewhat similar design to the tractor portion of the new Robey steam tractor-lorry. The tandem steam road roller is of modern design, arranged' to give a rapid reverse and leave a smooth finish. The stone breaker will be shown in the 12-iii. by 8-in. size, with the Robeysolid steel frame.
Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Lincoln. Stand I, Row C (M.H.)
AWIDE range of interesting machinery will he shown by this famous concern, comprising an 8-ton motor road roller, 42 b.h.p. and 9i b.h.p. engines, pimping plant, crane
navvy, and therma,x-" Vertical cross-tube boiler. The road roller is of the quick reverse tandem type, driven by a two-cylinder vertical paraffin engine which starts on petrol. The transmission is taken through a three-speed gearbox, and reverse is obtained by clutches in such a way that the three ratios are available in both directions. Water ballasting in one of the rollers enables the weight to be varied as desired.
The 42 h.h.p. oil engine to be shown will rain on very cheap low-grade oils, and can be started from cold without external heating. The lubrication system is very thorough, and the engine can be easily handled. The 9 b.h.p. engine is of the portable type mounted on a steel 'carriage with iron 'wheels. Petrol is used for starting, and subsequent running can be obtained -on refined petroleum, paraffin, or kerosene.
Several varieties of pumping plant will be shown. One of these is a 1,700-gallon vertical pump; gear driven by a petrol-paraffin engine, which can be • started from cold. C51
This pump can deal with a head of 100 ft. In addition, a Ruston centrifugal pump and the Ruston helical pump will be shown, designed to give a larga output with high efficiency. The Ruston crane navvy ts mounted on caterpillar tracks and is fitted with a bucket of gcubic yard capacity. It can be obtained with rail wheels, if reqtflred, but the caterpillar track reduces the labour involved in bringing the machine to its work. This useful navvy can be fitted with • drag-line aquipment if desired. It is particularly useful for drainage and irrigation work. The weight of the machine shown is about 24 tons in working order.
• H. C. Slingsby, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Stand H, Row IN addition to a comprehensive selection of hand trucks, ladders, barrows, etc., the Slingsby single-lift elevating -truck and Slingsby automatic-electric-lifting platform truck wilt be on view. These trunks will, of course, he the most interesting side of the exhibit from the point of view of those interested in power-operated transport.
The Slingsby trucks are extretnely handy for use in works, as the lead can be placed on platforms resting on the floor, and a number of such platforms can be distributed through the shops. The electric truck is run under any one of the platforms when the load is complete, raises it from the floor, and •take s it away. This system has met with considerable success, as the power-driven truck can be kept continuously in operation, and does not have to be kept waiting until any given operator has completed a sufficient number otf machined parts to form a load. '
Tuke and Bell.
Take and Bell, lf,td., Carlton Engineering Works, Liclgeld, Stand 7, Row B (MM.) SEVERAL interesting road vehicles will he shown on this stand, comprising a 5-ton tractor lorry, a 1-ton. tipping lorry with Ford chassis, and a Model of a 5-ton side-tipping trailer. In addition, a Carlton revolving sewage distributor and a patented man-hole cover will be exhibited.
The tractor lorry is designed to start on petrol and run on paraffin, and the body is specially arranged :for the transport of road material. The tractor chassis is arranged on orthodox lines, and steel disc wheels are used, fitted with solid rubber tyres. The body has a capacity of 100 cub. ft. and is fitted with patented gravity hand-operatedend-tipping gear.
The 1-ton tipping lorry is specially designed. for the transport of house refuse and is of 100 cub. ft. capacity. Thera are four low-loading doors and steel sliding covers, also a. hinged tail door, thus making the interior of the body very accessible. A gravity hand-eperated tipping gear is employed. The trailer is designed for the transport of road material, etc., and can be tipped to either side. Owing to lack of space the trailer itself will not be shown;
Wallis and Sfeevens.
Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., North Hants. Iron Works, Basingstoke. Stand 8, Row D (MAL) (11HIS stand is sure to attract considerable interest because the entirely new " Advance" road roller will be shown. It willbe recalled that this machine was recently described in The Commercial Motor and embodies many novel features. It is an all-purpose machine, weighing6 tons and driven by a two-cylindered balanced steam engine with quick reverse; two speeds are provided. Novel features are to be found in the forecarriage and the mounting of the rear wheels.
A Wallace single-cylinder 10-ton roller with two speeds will also be shown, fitted with a scarifier. Another exhibit of interest will be the handy surface gritter this machine is hand-operated and has a patent divided rob feed, which gives three alternative widths of spread; the grit is distributed very definitely and rapidly.
W, 'Weeks and Son, Ltd., Waterside, Maidstone.
. Stand 2, Row F (M.H.) rnWO machines of interest to road Makers will be shown, _L these being a bitumen sprayer and a bitumen boiler with hand-spraying apparatus. In addition, a selection of C52 direction posts and motor warning signals will snake an interesting show.
The Weeks boiler is designed to deal with bitumen or asphalt and will heat these compounds rapidly to the required temperature. A strong steel construction is employed and the boilers axe easy and simple to operate. The furnace and pan are Scientifically designed for fuel economy.
The bitumen sprayer go be shown is of the automatic type, applying the material to the road, under pressure, at a constant rate. Any setting between 5 and 10 square yards per gallon can be arranged.
The Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., Pepper Road, Hunslet, Leeds. Stand 6, Row B (M.H.) rim examples of the well-known Yorkshire Patent Steam .1., Wagon will be shown, these being the 5-ton and 6.7-ton machines respectively. There has been no chang,e in the design of these wagons, which embody the well-known and original features of the Yorkshire patent .design, such as the shaft drive transmission, vertical engine, etc.
The 6-7-ton wagon will be shown fitted with mechanically operated end-tipping body, this machine having been sold to the Sheffield Corporatign, making the fifth repeat order obtained-from the surveyor's department of that body. , The 3-ton wagon will be shown in a form suitable for the collection of house refuse, the chassis being fitted with a large mechanically operated end-tipping body, 11 ft. long, the width tapering from 6 ft. 5 iris, at the front to 6 ft. 8 ins, at the rear. This body is completely lined with sheet steel, and its feature is the low-loading height, which has been reduced to 4 ft. 8 ins.
Other Exhibits of Interest.
Gaston, Ltd., Larden Road, Acton Vale, London, W.3. ,• Stand 3, Row C (MM.) fl WING to limitations of space, Gaston, Ltd., will not be able to show their well-known Eerie shovel, but will display a number of interesting photographs showing these machines at work on road construction, drainage excavation, etc. This shovel can be fitted with an automatic device which, when set, makes it impossible for the operator to dig below a definite grade, thus ensuring .a perfectly level result. Special dipper handles can be fitted-, enabling trenches to be dug to a depth of 18 ft. r The remaining exhibits will comprise a range of Rex concrete mixers, with capacities of from 4 cwt. to 28 cwt. of mixed material per batch. The smaller models are all fitted with vertical petrol engines and are of the portable type.
Highways Construction, Ltd., Iddesleigh House, Westminster,
S.W.I. Stand 11, Row B {MM.) MIHIS concern is, of course, well known for materials used J_ in road construction, and their exhibit will be of considerable interest to surveyors and highway engineers. Eatnples of various materials will be shown, together with rhotographs of the celebrated French mine, from which rockasphalt is being obtained for use in the manufacture of Moriolastie granited rock asphalt. Samples of this material as taken from the mine will be on view for inspection. There will also be a fine collection of photographs showing Monolastic roads laid down both in France and in this country, and als.o views showing the manufagturing and laying of clinker asphalt on arterial roads in Kent.'
Ingersoll Rand Co., Ltd., 163, Queen Victoria Street, London,
E.C.I. Stand 8, Row B. (31.H.)
ALARGE 'number of Ingersoll-Rand machines ps now employed by municipalities and road contractors in this country. The exhibits shown will include a number of interesting labour-saving devices, which will attract the attention of quarry owners, municipal engineers, county surveyors, and so on. The firm, of. course, specializes in pneumatic tools of all kinds.
Three types of air compressors will be shown, via., a 7 by 6 portable machine, which is petrol driven, a 9 by 8 straight-line Er type, and -the 6 be 6 vertical type. In addition, a range of useful Leyner sharpeners will be on view, together with oil .furnaces for the forge shop, which can be used in conjunction with these sharpeners. A complete range of Jackhamers will he available for inspection, including some sectional models. The whole forming a comprehensive and interesting exhibit.