S.J.C. Reviews Haulage Control Scheme
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ikAUCH that is being said by the In Standing Joint Couemittee as to the Government's new scheme for controlling leng-distance road transport cannot yet be published, but the Cornenittee lays stress upon four important points.
These are:—(1) Concerning the scheme being a war-time measure; the Minister's assurance given in the House of Commons on July 14, 1942, is recalled. This was to the effect that before any proposali for future policy are formulated, full opportunity will be :given to all interests concerned to express their selews, whilst nationalization cannot be effected without Parliamentary approval. (2) Detailed steps that may be taken to safeguard the interests of the smaller operator have
been submitted •to the Ministry. (3) Traffic carried by Government-owned vehicles' should be brought within the scheine,. This control, in their case, is
even more necessary. The industry will also remain unconvinced of the need for control if traffic conveyed by such vehicles be not brought within the scope of the control. (4) Care must be taken to ensure that the financial arrangements are equitable in all cases, and suggestions have been made regarding this,
Finally, however, the S.J.C. urges all road-transport operators to give the Government plan their full support, whilst co-operating with the S.J.C. in securing detailed amendments which may make it more effective and acceptable.