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New Wages In Force From November 23
N "scales of wages for road haulage workers, embodying all-round increases on those now in force, come into operation on Monday next, November 23. There is also to be an......
S.j.c. Reviews Haulage Control Scheme
ikAUCH that is being said by the In Standing Joint Couemittee as to the Government's new scheme for controlling leng-distance road transport cannot yet be published, but the......
Staff Remuneration In
CONTROLLED UNDERTAKINGS . A LTHOUGH it is too early to state in detail the rules for computing the charges that will be allowed to controlled undertakings as working expenses in......
Protection For Small Operators Promised
A TTENTION . was drawn in the House of Commons last week by Major Lyons to the fact that there were 60,000 Aand Bdicensed operators in the road haulage industry, each with an......