Tyburn Granted Two Specialized New Registration and
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Tankers Licensing Regulations
I N a written decision, the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, has granted an application by Tyburn Road Tank Services Ltd., of High Wycombe, to add two specialized tankers, costing about £13,000 each, to their A-licensed fleet.
During the public inquiry last month (The Commercial Motor. July 17) Mr. Muir was told by the applicants that the vehicles would be used to carry high purity chemicals for British Hydrocarbon Chemicals to the extent of 75 per cent. Esso Petroleum and Mobile Oil Company had sent letters of support.
The sole objector, Calor Gas, submitted that if the application was granted there would be vehicles in use in excess of requirements. They had a fleet of 100 B-licensed veh:cles which were used partly to carry their own products and partly for hire and reward.
In his decision. Mr. Muir said it appeared that the phenomenal growth of the objecting company's business in 19621963 was not maintained in 1963-1964 (though it was still substantial), the principal reason being the construction of a pipeline from Fawley which enabled Esso to transport fuel to the North Thames Gas Board otherwise than by road.
It looked, therefore, as if Calor Gas had more vehicles on B licence for the present than they could economically employ. But. said Mr. Muir, he believed a grant should be made. It was right that Tyburn should be allowed to compete in a limited way in the specialized tank
Bridge RAH Fares Out
DRITISH RAII.WAYS has slashed fares on the Edinburgh-Fife routes via the Forth Bridge in anticipation of competition from new bus services to be introduced over the new Forth Road Bridge on September 5. Cheap-day single fares are now available between Edinburgh and Dunfermline at 2s. 9d. (formerly 4s. 3d.: new bus fare to be 2s. 7d.). and other stations have had similar cuts to compete with the new road services. For example, on the basis of day return fares, it will be Id. cheaper on average by rail than by road between Edinburgh and Kirkcaldy. and Edinburgh and Leven.
Half-hourly bus services are to be operated jointly by Scottish Omnibuses Ltd. and Walter Alexander (Fife) Ltd. between Edinburgh and Dunfermline, and hourly to Kirkcaldy and Leven. Fares are 2s. 7d. single and 5s. 2d. return to Dunfermline; 3s. 9d. single and 7s. 4d. return to Kirkcaldy; and 5s. single. 9s. Ind. return to Leven.
THE Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) Regulations. 1964, are now available from H.M. Stationery Offices, reference 1964 No. 1178, price 2s. 3d. net. They come into operation on September 1 and consolidate with amendment the provisions of the Civil Defence (Relief from Duty) Regulations, 1953. the Road Vehicles (Registration and , Licensing) Regulations 1955 and subsequent amending instruments issued between 1957 and 1962.
More "Works Trucks" Changes include widening the definition of " works truck" to cover vehicles moving goods between private premises and a vehicle on the road in the immediate neighbourhood. The practice of not issuing registration books for uniform types of vehicle in the same ownership is discontinued. Requirements as to the construction of the licence holder are now merely that it shall protect the licence from any effects of the weather. When a trade plate is lost, stolen. destroyed or defaced the holder is now required to notify the appropriate county council.
Provisions not reproduced in the consolidated regulations include Regulations 3 (apart from the proviso), 22 (4), 26 (3) and 28 (2) of the 1955 Regulations.