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Ministry Submits Its Road Costs To Geddes
T HE average cost of motorway con struction is £700,000 per mile. If constructed for li g ht vehicles only a savin g of l71 percent—around £124,000— could be achieved, say the......
Big Chances For Scottish Haulage From A Special...
D'S £20m. pulp mill at Corpach will g o into operation next year and plans are now bein g worked out to handle the vast new haula g e work which will be involved in this......
Show Tanker Range He First Of A New Ran G E Of
tankers I to be manufactured by Crane Fruehauf will be seen on the stands at the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court next month. This particular model has been built for the......
Timber Speed-up S Ince The Modernization Of Garston (near...
and the installation of 25 electrically operated cranes, the clearance of timber car g oes by road transport has shown an astonishin g increase. In 1960 only four per ctInt of......