Opinions and Queries
Page 54

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The "Guv'nor" Should Now Govern
YOUR leader in the issue of The Commercial Motor
dated December 7 is constituted of home truths based upon hard facts. It should be realized by all concerned in the road transport industry that its Press. with the right men behind it, can probably bring more pressure to bear upon any particular matter than can he attained by any other method.
Today, our industry needs this more than at any other time in its .history. It is beset, as you. imply,, by the railways at one side, the Government on another and the unions, with their everlasting wage demands, on a third. It will be noticed from this that there appears to be one side of the square from which few, if any, demands appear to be made. Might it therefore not be a good idea for the employers in transport on British roads to occupy that open side and assert themselves as what they are, or should be, "the governors."
Should it not be assumed, in spite of everything, that, being the owner of a business does, in most instances, denote ability above that of the employee—certainly it must if responsibility and sound common sense are the criteria.
If the unions persist in their demands, then I suggest that it behoves employers absolutely to refuse every unjustifiable claim. Whatever the result of such refusals, we can hardly find ourselves in a worse position than we can now. In any event, the day must come, sooner or later, when the unions must be made to realize that the owner of a business is, in fact, the governor, and that by virtue of all the risks, responsibilities and extra, oftenunpaid, work he has to do, he is entitled to be once again "the boss."
Surely, the employers in our industry have as much brain power to draw upon as have the unions, cannot we, therefore, collectively, offer some form of barrier to the never-ending demands for increased wages, and " better " conditions. I feel certain that we could.
Next to those mentioned, the largest obstacle which besets this industry is the long waiting entailed practically everywhere when a vehicle loads or unloads. A great deal towards removing this could be achieved by timing all loads and journeys, taking as a basis for any given job how long this should occupy with a good man at the wheel. Calculating the journey time itself should present no difficulty—it can be based upon legal speeds and usual traffic conditions.
With regard to loading and unloading, the unions should be expected to accept their share of the responsibility for any delays, for those are, more often than not, caustkl by the restrictive practices of their members.
Newbury, Berks. ." WARRIOR."
Repairs Guarantee Welcomed
WITH reference to your leading, article of Novem" her 23, under the heading of "Facilitating Outside Repairs," we find your remarks and those of Mr. W. H. Seward, on page 598 of the same issue, to be very interesting. Such a scheme once under way would be most useful and beneficial to all parties concerned. Our experience over many years with operators from all parts of the country has been excellent; however, this u20
was achieved only by careful inquiries and often at The expense of long-distance telephone calls and time wastage.
We would like to be kept informed' of any developments, and any such scheme would have our support.
London, N.W.2. W. R. CHADWICK,
General Manager, Ferraris of Crick lewood, Ltd.
I HAVE read the article by W. H. Seward in your issue of November 23 and the subsequent correspondence on a suggested guardian association for vehicle repairs, with particular interest, as we are now completing a new garage with workshops and offices designed specifically to cope with repairs to all types of commercial vehicle of which we have had some 30 years' experience.
The advantages of an association of the kind suggested come easily to mind, the difficulty, of course, is to overcome the obstacles to its smooth working. Mr. Seward puts the whole problem into a nutshell when he asks how an operator can know whether or not a repairer is capable, and even more so when he continues to ask how the repairer can be sure of the credit-standing of the operator. The fact that both parties were members of the same association would not automatically iron out the differences likely to arise----something more concrete is needed.
Mr. Seward takes us part of the way along the road but he leaves us short of our goal. If an insurance company could be persuaded to adopt the scheme the element of financial risk would be eliminated and with it other difficulties which would doubtless crop up.Policy premiums would take the place of the operators' subscriptions, and the carefully vetted repairers could, if necessary, make a small subscription towards administrative costs.
We would be pleased to participate in any scheme which would benefit operators and repairers alike. Perhaps The Commercial Motor could arrange a preliminary meeting, or a series of meetings in different regions, to ascertain what support is likely to be given to the suggestion.
ynsford, Kent. C. M. FInvEn., Managing Director, Darenth Hire Services, Ltd.
THE scheme for a guardian organization for vehicle 1 repairers and users is most laudable. Even more to be praised is the idea of commcrcial-vehicle repairers being able to repair vehicles without-the fear that payment for such work, normally carried out in a great hurry and possibly with increased charges due to overtime, will not be met.
Any scheme to bring into existence a credit system to operate between hauliers and repairers would be appreciated by us in particular and repairers in general. If you require any 'assistance in forming an association to further this cause, you can rely upon my complete co-operation.
Scottorn, Ltd.