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T HE one bright spot in an otherwise bleak outlook for 1957 is the announcement by the Minister of Transport that the speed...
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UNDERSTANDING of the problems of UNDERSTANDING of is shown by the committee set up by the Minister of Transport to survey...
Are General Tests Feasible? 0 NE of what may be termed the more lively todies associated with the industry is the Institute...
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That the most important rule in the railway game is "Keep your eye on the haul." That it may be accused of using the wrong...
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—For Some Priority Users : Advance Isssue: 200 District Fuel Offices Now Open WHEN fuel rationing began on Monday, most...
F URTHER talks on pay for London's 53,000 bus workers were held yesterday between the London Transport Executive and the...
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pains to maintain that it was not a last-minute move, but part of a plan evolved at the beginning of August, the Minister of...
O NMay I the speed limit for heavy goods vehicles, including articulated outfits, will be raised to 30 m.p.h. Drawbar trailer...
M ANY London operators—including large national organizations— were still without their basic ration coupons at noon last...
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MR. JOHN F. MARSHALL has been appointed secretary of Mercedes-Benz (Great Britain), Ltd. Mit, R. W. DOUGLASS has succeeded MR....
" DON'T think I can regard the I present emergency as ground for refusing a licence. I have to deal with it under the 1933 Act....
A WOKINGHAM coach companylast week appealed against a decision of the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners forcing them to make...
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S EVERAL municipal undertakings have decided not to take advantage of the Hydrocarbon Oil Duties (Temporary Increase) Act by...
A LTHOUGH commercial vehicle in. output in October was lower than in the previous month, exports were somewhat higher both in...
N EGLECT by the owner for two years, followed by the assignment of the business to his creditors, and lack of evidence that...
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A T the resumed hearing of an application by McGill's Bus Service, Barrhead, for permission to run a through service from...
j1s1 speaking of the interim report of 1 the Parking Survey of Inner London, Mr. Alex Samuels told the London and Home Counties...
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IN the past financial year, the number of passengers carried by the company was fewer by some 21m., or about 5 per cent., than...
nESPITE a submission by the British " Transport Commission that no business existed, Mr. J. H. E. Randolph, Yorkshire Deputy...
A N unsuccessful application for a B licence for a .1-ton van to be used to carry general goods within 50 miles was made by a...
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I N restoring to the licence of Mr. G. E. White, Coventry Road, Small Heath, Birmingham, a vehicle deleted in 1954, Mr. N. C....
1' WO small men, who conducted their own cases, lost their appeals last week to the Transport Tribunal, One of them was Mr....
A N appeal by Messrs. A. H. Rumble and Sons, Reading. against the refusal of the South Eastern Licensing Authority to grant an...
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T HE Court of Appeal last week held that costs incurred by a haulage company in trying to secure a variation of their A licence...
PA A NEW company to handle bulk liquids has been formed in Scotland by Mr. -John G. Russell, Mr, William Russell and Mr. John...
A 24-HOUR shuttle service between in , Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, a distance of 560 miles, is being operated by six...
A Nexperiment with white lines on the Continental and American principle is to be made on the LondonFolkestone-Dover and...
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onger Life Latest Morris 5-cwt. Van is Powered by New B.M.C. 948 c.c. Petrol Engine : Maxirnwn Speed Raised, but Acceleration...
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IN co-operation with the Metallizing i Engineering Co., Inc., Westbury, N.Y., the Aluminum Company of America, Pittsburgh, have...
P RELIMINARY tests carried out with a bearing material comprised of Teflon tetrafluoroethylene fibre woven into fabric,...
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A N approach to the integration of their transport fleets has been made through the amalgamation of Brickwoods, Ltd., and...
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Retiring Giant By The Hawk WHEN, on June 30 next, Mr. P. G. Stone Clark retires VI , after 45 years' service in road,...
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n in Suspension Overdue? Part 2 In This Second and Concluding Article Some Novel Modern Systems are Reviewed Together With...
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0 UTSIDE the front door, a group of little boys were alternately singing one line of a carol and ringing the bell. Maggie's...
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The "Guv'nor" Should Now Govern Y OUR leader in the issue of The Commercial Motor dated December 7 is constituted of home...
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Expensive Plant, Skilled Labour and Quality Control Required for Satisfactory Moulding Nopressure Impregnation "Backward" and...
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Ross Auto 25 Battery Electric Chassis Announced : Range up to 25 Miles, Speed up to 16 m.p.h. D ESIGNED to operate with...
1'1/4 FARMER who had carried for a r - i neighbour with a vehicle having a so-called F licence, was warned last week by Mr. J....
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F.B.I. Case to Government for Generous Fuel Issues to C-Licensees A FTER completing a survey of the types of traffic covered...
M ISINTERPRETATION ot th e Siddle C. Cook appeal decision by the British Transport Commission was criticized last week by Mr....
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Oil Duty Bill Passed by Commons: Hauliers Need 80 Per Cent. of Normal Fuel Supplies A N undertaking that the extra Is. fuel...
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Can Business be Carried on Under Rationing by Allocating One's .Whole Gallonage to a Feli.• Vehicles? Fixed Charges, for Idle...
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H YDR AULIC couplings are often 1 1 provided with some form of straight-through lock, and a device of this nature forms the...